
Trump doesn’t want to be President. In about two weeks, everyone will be so fucking pissed at him that he’ll just walk away from it all, stating that he’ll “continue to fight for you”.....just not as President. Mike Penis will take over, not do anything, and be soundly defeated in 2020.

Seems like a good idea to me.

RiRi is not the celeb we deserve but she is the celeb we need.

THIS MAN. I AM SO HAPPY FOR HIM. Seriously him saying he wanted to kill him self when he found out he wasn’t going to be an announcer broke my heart. And as was stated on the original post, a man of this age who has participated in many many inaugurations clearly holds it close to his heart regardless of who is

Don’t kneel, don’t capitulate, never give up, never surrender, but above all else stand.

Ireland checking in all my hopes, dreams, love and prayers to every fuckng war goddess I can think of go to you.

Why I am marching today (See you soon, NYC!):

You can see the sparks between the Obamas. There really doesn’t seem to be much between the Trumps.

That was literally my first thought lmao!

Of course it’s Tiffany’s box.

If there was any justice in this world, it would have been Trump’s tax returns in that box.

And it has always been thus.

She’s the best. My mother has had a big ole lesbian crush on her since she was a child. I’ve actually been to the last five farewell tours, because it is the easiest birthday present for my mother. Live forever, Cher!

I’m glad they are finally defunding Sesame Street. Kids today are too used to being given everything. In my day, if we wanted to watch puppets count to ten, we had to go and farm our own sheep, shear them ourselves, make wool, knit socks with needles we had whittled from trees we grew ourselves, stick our hands in the

I’m not really surprised, we knew Trump was racist, but I do kind of feel bad for Kanye for being stupid enough to think this man would ever do more for him than use him as a photo opportunity.

I can’t wait for twitter fight between Kanye and Trumpo.


As dystopic as the incoming administration will be, it’s good that the youths get something to protest. Keeps the chops up, generation to generation.

As a queer, I want to say that I fucking love our goddamn community.