
Me, too! I just keep telling myself that his corruption will lead to reforms that will make the country better, and that he will end up in prison and something bad will happen to Putin and Paul Ryan and all the GOPers will lose their jobs and/or go to prison and the name Trump will be associated with shame and his

I was reading the NY Times the other day and they made a really quietly smartass comment essentially pointing out that, as much as Trump likes to refer to them as the “failing New York Times,” they are also clearly one of his main news sources. If he would stop watching SNL and rage-stroke tweeting about it Every.

Ladies and gentlemen, your line of succession.

Actually, SNL nailed it. Pence will be president inside of this calendar year.

Her story hasn’t changed all that much, actually. People’s brains after a traumatic experience like this are notoriously prone to errors, and some details may only properly retrieved after we have calmed down. Some of them never recover. She’s been pretty Damn consistent with the overarching details of what happened

Are these first few comments for real? In a story about a woman who was robbed and bound, wearing nothing but her robe, the comments focus on her looks, makeup and face? Huh? Did we all read the same article or did yall just skip it and share your thoughts on her face?

Terrifying. She is really lucky that she wasn’t hurt- even if they weren’t intending it to begin with, this could have gotten violent (or even deadly) so easily. I completely understand the inclination about not saying that she had the ring, but yeesh, just give them whatever they ask for, especially if they are


I love the little Russian pin on Trump’s lapel. It’s the little touches that make these sketches great.

As he said, This is real life. This is really happening.

Two things I learned from this:

Hello! It’s me, Steve Harvey. I do government now. Will this bode well for our country?

Still confused about the role this young woman played in revealing that she was abducted. Some news outlets make it seem like she sought the information out herself, but “acting on recent tips” makes it seem like there were external tips...the inappropriately nosy part of me desperately wants these details filled in!

That Asshole: my inauguration is going to be the yugest, most glamorous star-studded amazing event ever. All the biggest names are calling me up, begging to perform for me and my supporters!

Seriously. These people want Bill Cosby to die alone in jail. Like he deserves. But then “oh no, poor misunderstood MJ”. It’s always grossed me out

Whew, that pic is so E! Rotic! and Sexthy!

Seriously at this point how the fuck is this real life. It’s too much to absorb. Like my new reality has shifted too quickly and I can’t fucking handle it. If I had the money I seriously would just go and herd cows at this point. The world has gone fucking mad.

They probably didn’t think many people would be outraged by a comedy show insulting a man who rapes children. But y’all love that pedo, soooo. . .

Good. Now can we work on booting Jimmy Fallon for his annoying portrayal of a talk show host?