
Oh man, this is like when you’re leaving town and asking the neighbor teenager to watch your house, then realize what you’ve done and lock up every loose/important item in your house to try to save it JUST IN CASE

National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

She’s a patron saint. 2020? Please!?

I have yet to hear a single Republican explain clearly why they think the ACA is such a bad thing. Why giving 30 million citizens access to lifesaving care is something that needs to be undone. Or why they are not a bunch of blood-sucking, evil hypocrites considering they all get free healthcare for life at our

I called Pat Toomey (the one whose staffer hung up on the woman for saying vagina) and his staffer told me “don’t be so aggressive” and that Toomey “had a plan”. When I asked for details he told me he didn’t have them and that this was “part of the process” for making insurance “actually affordable”. So if everyone

Everyone who insisted Kim faked the robbery can queue up here, I have your crow. Eat up!

I believe he did call her overrated. He is too fucking horrible.

I think the key here is the adjective “vilified”, not “discriminated against”. She seems fairly aware of her privilege and mentioned that several times.

I can’t wait for the Angry Donald Tweet Storm response:

Overall the speech was good and she brought it home, but I really did raise my eyebrows at her starting point: “all of us in this room, really, belong to the most vilified segment in American society right now.”

Yeah Trump hates Hollywood so much he has been trying to get accepted by Hollywood for decades and his people are going behind the scenes begging A-List singers and celebrities to attend his inauguration. His people were even putting out press releases saying that A-Listers partied with Trump on New Year’s Eve.

I was toggling between Sherlock and the GGs but I’m glad I didn’t miss her speech. Meryl is the only person in that room who could deliver it and with such incredible composure and authority. It felt like she was channelling Hillary at that moment.

The Carrie Fischer quote to close tipped me right over into bawling my eyes out territory.

I’ve always liked Meryl and thought she was an incredible actress. I didn’t jump on the bandwagon until tonight. I was so glad she used her privilege, forum, and position to speak so articulately, measured, and honestly. I hope many more do and learn from her. Brava, Meryl. Brava.

It was beautiful and angry and righteous.

She is not only our greatest actor, she is also our national conscience. It’s a lot of hats to wear, but she pulls it off.

I love her. I want to be her when I grow up. This actually made me cry. What a beautifully sweet acceptance speech. And as a mixed chick, THANK YOU <3

Tim Gunn writes in one of his books that CS was one of the nicest and most talented designers on PR. High praise indeed!

He was young during his season. He’s aged well, like a cute little bottle of wine.

Can we talk about how Siriano is slaying it when it comes to curvy diva dresses?! I need one in my life.