
Pics like that of Yvette Nicole Brown make me so happy, because the first thing I notice isn’t the dress, but how much the woman in it is CLEARLY feeling herself. I love photos that capture those unfortunately all-too-rare moments when a woman feels FLAWLESS.

It’s funny because I think she really resembles Beyoncé when she was little too.

Yeah I had a friend who suffered from bipolar disorder and she screamed incoherent rants at me and accused me of turning acting against her. Later when she was lucid we reconciled. I’ve been very sleeved w the way his “rants” have been reported, particularly when it was done mid breakdown.

Because you can’t have beef with a kid. Kids, they’re amazing. Also, Kanye is clearly suffering from mental illness, and Jay and Bey are smart people who probably understand what that means.

Nooo, this cannot be real!

Woah she plagiarized Melania too? Ruthless.

Also, even the most well moderated sites can develop mob mentality and hive mind. When Gawker was still with us, it was assumed by many to be a place where you could, and SHOULD, snipe and mock and not much else, for some commentators. So lots of people come in thinking of the nastiest thing they can come up with in

It is. It reminds me of when my very wealthy best friend killed herself. SO may people said stupid shit like;”She was rich! What did she have to be unhappy about??” I couldn’t even answer them, words failed.

Or, conversely, she had done some hard living and the fitness regimen was a not enough to save her?

So why again did they have this meeting?

I wish people wouldn’t snark about this. I’m no Kardashian fan, I’ve never watched a whole show, but this woman was seriously traumatized and PTSD is awful. I hope she has some good professional support.

At least John McCain was capable of showing a shred of decency with regards to his political opponent. Trump’s version was just going back on a batfuck crazy promise to jail his rival.

My god the next four years are going to be a fuckfest.

She and Billie Lourd are co-stars on “Scream Queens,” so maybe they are friends and she was there to support her friend...

Somehow, I feel like “We refuse to pass this spending bill because you said Mexico would pay for the wall,” should be more than enough. Forcefeed the GOP their own rotten bullshit, you know? Say “we’ll vote for this bill when you get Mexico to pay for it like you promised, and not one second before.”

I teach an entire college course on the Berlin Wall that proves this is a bad idea. But what do I know? I’m just some loser academic.

This may not seem like the thing to voice a concern about, but what about all the wildlife that migrate along the border?

One of the most believable celeb conspiracy theories I’ve ever heard is around them. Allegedly Clooney wants to run for political office one day, and marrying her gives him serious cred.

I dunno, my parents never told us WHEN they were doing it but my mom never hid the fact they had a sexual relationship. Not in a gross way it just was.

And I kind of like that I grew up with an idea of what a well rounded healthy relationship looked like. It made sex less of a shameful thing.