not to mention Mango Mussolini’s insistence that they should have been executed and not even backing down on that when they were fully exonerated
not to mention Mango Mussolini’s insistence that they should have been executed and not even backing down on that when they were fully exonerated
What’s funny to me is Skyrim and other Bethesda proper games seem designed to accommodate that kind of playstyle she’s expressing. They made all these systems to allow players to build the character they want, let you explore and leave quests mid-way through if you want, and can be modded for additional content. The…
For me, gaming is for fun. That’s the whole point. Trying to max out my DPS is too much like work for me to enjoy it. It’s also why I play almost exclusively single player games. MMOs hold zero allure for me. I play co-op stuff with my kids, but that’s about it.
Trump has done more than any President before him, more than Bush Jr. or Nixon, to actually turn America into what our enemies have parodied and caricatured us as being. It will take the rest of this century to repair the diplomatic damage he has done.
Bingo. Was going to say the same thing to 50ShadesofConfused.
This. Pretty much this. Ever since Corden started his Carpool Karaoke schtick, all the late night shows have had to adapt to fit the digital realm. That means bite-sized pieces that are time-irrelevant, and Conan is arguably the best at pulling this off.
What other things that you clearly know nothing about would you like to discuss today?
I’m not sure how you can say that a show that’s been running for nine years “isn’t really working out.”
Okay, but... you understand that the whole movie is about how every single Avenger’s personal flaws led to Thanos’ triumph, right?
As an addendum to this - why don’t these youngins run for office like Ocasio-Cortez? If you think that they candidates the Dems are putting up are imperfect, THEN RUN. ENCOURAGE OTHERS WHO MIGHT THINK LIKE YOU RUN.
Also, Nevada isn’t fucking Georgia. Voter suppression is a very real issue that some of us have been screaming about for the past several years when the Voting Rights Act was gutted, but let’s not pretend like it’s a huge stumbling block in Nevada like it is in Kansas and Georgia and South Carolina and so on.
“otherwise, you’re just going to judge them for either not evolving or not evolving earlier enough?”
I think the standards on that stuff will have to change with videos being everywhere all the time. Kind of like the perception of tattoos, etc. Also, just say you’re the only one who can fix the problems and call your opponents the “real” puppets.
Ugh I literally had to scroll down this far to get to someone not here to engage in a public spanking, instead of further dialogue.
Fucking THANK YOU.
I’m out of the gray at Jalopnik and Gizmodo, the only two that really matter....
Yeah, but those are not things that affected her personally, so what does she care about them?
In 5-10 years those pics won’t matter because we will all be in the same boat and will outnumber the groups of people that don’t get it. Gen-X and younger won’t give a fuck cause they all have the same “baggage”. I for one (hopefully for many) are more inclined to vote for someone that actually had a college…
Obama also had the power to control the elements and stop wildfires, hydrate the west, ease hurricanes, and bring back normal seasons but he slept on the job.