AKA Hermione

Don’t worry, Stig will be along shortly to tell us why this crucial bit of info actually doesn’t really matter to their point.

Dear god, a woman who made her name as a prosecutor is considered the 2nd-most progressive senator?

A promise from McConnell? Go fuck yourself Schumer you waste of fucking oxygen. When are Democrats going to wake the fuck up? This thinking that they are engaging with rational actors that have the best interests of the country in mind is anachronistic and delusional.

We hold these truths to be self evident...

Ah, it’s great that you miss all the hassles of a crowded morning commute.

Yeah, it’s this. Most of us work from home in the mornings.

YES! It made me so happy! I love her so much.

I came here to say just this! I was so psyched. I also loved her role in Black Mirror.

I definitely gasped/squealed when I saw her

WAIT WHERE?! I am going to see it again this weekend and want to keep an eye open. Between her and Waller-Bridge some of my favourite funny British ladies are getting into the Star Wars universe. :-)

NO!!! I totally missed that!!! Dammit!!

I screamed when I saw her!

Ironically he campaigned on this country being a shit hole

That’s....that’s pretty tame, actually.

Tucker, doing what he does best, courageously knocks down another strawman.

Tucker thinks Americans vacation in other white countries as opposed to the reality, which is that they go to Mexico. I’m sure a lot vacation in Canada too but until Trump tears up NAFTA no sane Canadian is going to move to the US unless they get gob smacks of money thrown at them for work.

What Trump said is something 90% of white Americans hear around the dinner table every Thanksgiving and Christmas.

the ones who let legislatures erode our abortion rights so they could talk about how much they liked porn

Briefly, first wave is suffragettes, second wave is Gloria Steinem et al during the 70s, and third-wave is Jezebel.