Cheney would literally rip his spine out and chew it, a la Russell Edgington in True Blood (except Russell didn’t chew that spine, IIRC).
Cheney would literally rip his spine out and chew it, a la Russell Edgington in True Blood (except Russell didn’t chew that spine, IIRC).
I’m surprised he didn’t have an aneurysm after this past two seasons of SP.
The moronic part of his base is that they think he doesn’t take insults lightly. Him tweeting everyday is the damn definition of not taking things lightly.
*cracks knuckles before pecking furiously at my keyboard for a response into the void*
Basic hot take alert:
I’d probably have to agree with you. Somehow it’s a sin to have a sense of humor if you’re right of center. Or far right.
The best part of the naked paddle boarding incident is how much Orlando Bloom DGAF. Photos or no photos, he always seems down to do whatever TF he wants to do.
Literally what Turtle Head and his gang of sniveling dipshits is banking on!
Is gogurt better or worse than Chobani?
The best part is that he kinda shits on the emoji movie too.
I feel like Lena Dunham more often than not puts her foot in her mouth and then apologizes for it, then starts that same cycle all over again. So you hear about it, but she’s forgiven for it all the time? IDK.
While there’s no doubt that TJ has a bit of a selfish ego problem, I agree.
He was Wade’s bff, the bartender who ran the dead pool!
Not defending TJ at all, and take this with a grain of salt, but the rumor mill has it that Middleditch has turned into a prick/egomaniac due to his recent few years success. He’s lost his ability to be an easy going comic and just wants wants wants everything for himself (to be the only star, to have the most lines,…
I can’t stand Pete Holmes and I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because he reminds me of every other mediocre white dude at a party who’s not that cute but everyone thinks he’s over the years he plays into being “the funny one” but really turns out to be an egomaniac. We all know these types.
Hangouts. Is. The. Worst.
They do! Our whole dem leadership is 70+! We don’t have a deep bench because the leadership prioritizes fundraising over investing in the generation below. Obama was the first gen X president and he had to go a way outside route on his way to the WH. Not bashing Pelosi’s stances but it’s time to get new blood flowing…
You just gave me a rare moment where I audibly huffed before literally laughing out loud. Kudos.
Ok, so, this sounds REALLY REALLY dumb, but I’m currently out of the country - so my jetlag is doing very very funny things. But I’m pro-choice, not pro-life. I don’t know why my brain was having so many brain farts.
Correct sir! They are most definitely skipping or at least skimping on what should be the normal process for writing and passing a bill!