AKA Hermione

Super apathetic over here.

I took a nap and came back with popcorn.

Stop right there. We started off by talking about public healthcare.

No, I gave up because you didn’t answer my damn questions. Or your too much of a coward to admit your selfish view of the world. Just because you don’t care about anyone and don’t want the government to help anyone, doesn’t mean that the vast majority of us are ALL IN on that Social Contract I spoke up. We’re a pack

Hmmm. So what cellphone in America did you buy that was factory set to UK English?

Well this is a damned if you do, damned if you don’t conversation starter isn’t it?

Anyone who came in the years during Reconstruction. Shit was WILD in the 1870s and 1880s!

My best friend is really anti-politics, government, etc. But she sits quietly when she stops by after work while I watch last night’s Daily Show or The Lead with Tapper or whatever. Plus her love for Chelsea Handler has turned her on to paying attention to politics somewhat.

I agree with you, but as a particular asshat in the comments section will tell you, he doesn’t think healthcare is a “right” and he isn’t alone. A lot of people feel that way. They don’t want to regulate healthcare and they don’t want to “pay for other people” though they don’t realize if we all pay in, it’s cheaper

She’s gonna be hiding in the bushes in the cold open this week!

I think it was Chelsea Handler who did a bit on her show a few weeks ago that Spicey is basically treating the press corps like kindergartners and that was a sound, hot take. It’s kind of true! Except you don’t need to treat grown adults like that Spicey!

In my sometimes pessimistic view, the only way people will really get upset is when you see FBI agents arresting and dragging BLM members through the streets. Sometimes it takes a really frightening image to get people riled up to make a change in their government with their votes.

No, that’s really not true.

I agree with 99% of what you’re saying, but I have to butt in here and say that not all employers offered health insurance, which is why the ACA came about in the first place, to try and fix that problem.

He can’t. Because he’s a grumpy libertarian who is fine with paying exorbitant amount of taxes for the military but not for healthcare, at wildly different percentages.

I wondered how long it would take you to declare “taxation is theft!”

But you have to pay for the military through taxes....so the government does make money in that way.

It’s a shame that you can’t explain to us why you don’t think the right to live a healthy life without being saddled in debt is ok. Stop deflecting.

Can you outline what you think those basic rights are for us?

I’m going to keep feeding you so everyone else can call you out for your vitrol.