AKA Hermione

I positively adore him. I wish he did more than he does, but I think his style is to do a bit here and there (stand up, tv, books etc), and do it really, really well instead of just throwing stuff up all the time and seeing what sticks.

I think it also unfortunately stems from how much attention radical Islam gets, or how repressive the Saudi’s are.

Not necessarily looking for discourse per this particular comment section, but more overall toward the comment of how scottmill’s comment had been up for a few hours (which was a great comment!) and no one had responded yet.

What rubs me the wrong way about the “fly over” states he did so well in is the driving force of racism.

Do you think he’s asked to go to the SEAL training facilities to play with guns yet? I could see him being a trigger happy nitwit who’d fumble with the safety.

They need to ungrey more people here! Or drive the giz/jez news junkie over to fusion. I think The Slot will still produce great stuff, but they need to push the gizmodo readers over here that were pining for political commentary after gawker was shuttered.

I remember reading this article when it came out during the campaign.

I wonder if it’s ever crossed his head that he might “win” more if he actually did things that people would universally praise him for.

He’d make a great real estate agent.

“I loved my previous life. I had so many things going,” Trump said in an interview with Reuters published Friday. “This is more work than in my previous life. I thought it would be easier.”

It is. But there’s also not a smoking gun that brings him down yet. So we can devote 100% of our time to fruitlessly looking for that smoking gun that’s been so well hidden by Russian operatives at this point, or we can split 50/50 on Russia and other ethics violations that might be easier to target him with.

I don’t have complete confidence they will either, but the problem with liberals is that we’re lazy, flip floppy on complacency v. constant activism, and we think America is more conservative than it is. If we don’t have confidence, then we are no better than the R’s that are also sitting idly by, watching everything

I’d love to see data too. The problem is the NRA’s voice is too loud for hard data to prevail.

As much as I want to pin anything and everything on him, I just don’t believe he’s that smart - only smart enough to surround himself with dastardly humans who have some serious ties to foreign governments and K Street. Drain the swamp my ass. I don’t want to go all Alex Jones/Deep State here...

....then go hangout on deadspin or The Onion for your sports and humor.

Sometimes your health insurance fails you too.

It feels like every other night I’m lying on my couch by 6:30 with wine, a blanket and parks and rec reruns because that just sounds nicer than the real world.

Something bigger than what has already transpired. Like some Iran-Contra bullshit or *gasp* actually spying on the liberals, not having the Russians do it. Or having the Russians do it.

I never said that...?

Great counterpoint - and you are right!