
Wow, Democrats coming out against higher taxes. You will forgive me if I find that reasonable grounds to assume biases lol

Misogyny? Masculinity? I believe you are thinking of another band lol

That’s is a really awesome attitude for an educator to be passing along to the next generation! “You’re a sickness, my gut feeling is right, and your silly facts and studies that can be confirmed are wrong!”

Lots of armchair conservationist lol.

You realize Yellowstone is a national park right? What possible gain would these corporations have in a limited tag grizzly hunt?

Um yes Ms. Werth, that is exactly how that works. By reinstating the import taxes that brings us back to the pre-NAFTA market where it is no longer cheaper to build the cars overseas by exploiting cheap labor and importing them back here for the cost of container ship fuel and selling them here in the US, the world’s

Any company that was exploiting cheap labor overseas while hiding behind the lack of an import tax therefore putting Americans out of work (the same Americans they depend on to keep their company profitable) deserve exactly what they get.

Mike is black so he has to conform to your views? The ugliest racism is wrapped in a cloak of righteousness....

I drive a 3/4 ton pickup daily but I do have to pull trailers from time to time, today I had the bed loaded with enough mulch to do my entire property, but in reality I do get a lot of comfort knowing that some idiot in a cross over isn’t ever going to plow into my door and paralyze me lol

Good way to get your ass stomped lol

Am I wrong here? I was under the impression that manually corrections with the steering wheel disables autopilot.

Oh wow that Audi looks great. Definitely has a 90's look with those wheels and front end  but it’s not crazy radical, I’m kinda surprised it wasn’t produced.

Are you kidding? You are an educated person, please give me a logical reason why at least making an attempt to better your situation is bad......

But if you wanted to hammer home some real measurable examples that are actually proven you could start with the fact that whites are actually the only race excluded from federally backed institutional privilege.

What you are actually asking is why are there vehicles over 100k.