That’s so shitty. I once had kids pelt my first car (my baby) when I was out driving. I was so piiiiiiissed. I had gone back to school to grab a book I needed for homework. My Dad had to calm me down, I was that hysterical.
That’s so shitty. I once had kids pelt my first car (my baby) when I was out driving. I was so piiiiiiissed. I had gone back to school to grab a book I needed for homework. My Dad had to calm me down, I was that hysterical.
What is that even about? I saw it on there a little while ago and couldn’t figure out what the premise was - don’t think I read it either, which I should have done too.
My husband loved Breaking Bad so much but that really isn’t my scene - I don’t do gritty, real-life dramas. I need some element of fantasy or I need it to be pure trash (reality tv). Happy binging!
We went to a holiday event for my husband (his office had rented out an ice skating rink) and it was fun but slightly nerve wracking for me because I’ve become pretty antisocial/introverted lately.
Both of my dogs have theme songs. Our older dog has his set to the tune of Batman (the original one) and his is Butt boy (he used to have issues with his hind end so it’s super cute).
LMAO sorry but this was my Dad for years - he has this sick part of him that likes to see the mayhem. He’s otherwise a nice quiet unassuming man but I swear he gets this glint in his eye when he thinks about watching the fights at Toys R’ Us during holiday shopping.
SF is a bit overrated but then again I’m not someone who cares for cities. It does have great shopping, lots of culture and good food though - and there are decent sites so you wouldn’t be bored as a tourist. That’s really cool, and definitely can make for some fun dates too.
That’s AMAZING! I’m so proud of you! Good for you with your degree!
What shows are you guys obsessed with? Right now I’m binging Once Upon a Time like there’s no tomorrow, and have added The Medicis and a couple of other period dramas to my queue. Talk to me about tv and/or holidays plans :)
Well my shame crush just killed itself in a ball of fiery jeahs but did anyone else read the hashtag like the pasta sauce? I mean #prego? C’mon!
Ugh I actually went in and saw my doc and have a prescription for antibiotics. I’m dragging my feet taking them (I know, I know) because I hate doing it even though I need to.
I hope you get in bed and under the covers soon! You’re such a good mom. Sending you warm thoughts.
The day after my birthday it hit me :( But thanks for the well-wishes. I’m thinking/hoping I’m on the mend now.
Yep. I tried vanquishing my illness with Dayquil and finally surrendered and went into the doctor. It’ll be my third round of antibiotics this year!!!!! when prior to this one, I can’t even tell you the last time I took them.
I need to find the motivation to do the rest of my hw and work on one half of my final. Grrrrrr. Imma flip if I end up underperforming in this class - this quarter and this year has done a number on me.
Anyone else laid up with a cold? I’ve been watching The Crown and way too much tv in general. Damnable sinus infection.
that’s awesome. good luck, I hope it works out for you. self-employment is my dream.
Who else is celebrating a birthday this weekend?
What is the most immediate form of payback you have actually witnessed?
It’s like when I was teaching - I would have passed the test if you added back all of the points you took away for my careless errors and misconstrued “facts!”