
The issue was never people not believing him, it was that he gave very few details and it wasn’t clear if his issue with Whedon was actually abuse or just a really bad working relationship.

That $465 million budget? It situates just one season of Tolkien life in between Israel and Ireland—as in, the countries—on the list of national gross domestic product. It’s a lot of money, is our point.

No, you’re remembering right, they definitely do.

Oh right. That movie came out between the two I was mentioning. Spot on. I was already out of college by the time that happened, but it was somewhat similar to my high school experience of ~10 Asian kids in a graduating class of ~440.

Fun fact, Kal Penn was my RA in my third year of college.

Been seeing the promos for “Chad” a lot. Seems downright awful. Trying WAY too hard. Basic-cable level stuff.

I know this is incorrect, but I’ve already stored his character’s name in my head as Professor Drake Drakelton ...

I think I had conversations with telemarketing robots that went the same way.

Yeah he was a really fun choice to make a super minor one scene character memorable. 

a collagen powder for my hair and nails

Sam being broke is bonkers. Beyond all the obvious reasons that the character should have access to money on his own, he personally knows like, the most wealthy person on the planet. Hey Pepper, mind paying for some renos on my family boat?

I agree so much on this! To be honest it reminds me a bit of how Black veterans didn’t get the same benefits as white ones when it came to the GI Bill: https://daily.jstor.org/the-inequality-hidden-within-the-race-neutral-g-i-bill/

The early Silver Earring is a bit the opposite. The plot is ridiculously complex, and the reveals presented if you cannot guess them really felt like a deliberately un-guessable joke more than an expected solution. So you could try it for the challenge. The tabletop Consulting Detective games have been adapted to PC,


I loved the books when I was younger, and the new ones too, but this adaptation has all the hallmarks of the Hobbit movies: well cast, drearily written and overstuffed with ‘extras’ to the detriment of the core story. The writing really lets the side down

Person of Interest.

Agreed, I dunno what these people are talking about, Hot Rod is the movie that converted me to the cult of Samberg in the first place.

You know what car is super overrated? Corvette.

Fans: “Shuri you can’t be serious!”

Plus, it was established that Zack and Slater don’t talk anymore. And they didn’t really explain that.  The only reason Zack plays into it is because he’s governor and his son goes to Bayside.