
You can also have every thing stored on the cloud. Of sourse I suppose that Beck prefernce analog recording but then again he’s pretty hip to electronic effects and the like. Even so a backup of an analof tape could exist on a harddrive somewhere.

Maybe it’s because I don’t watch sports all that much and would probably never care about post-game interviews, especially in the locker room but, I never understood the need for locker room interviews. Do we really need to hear the answers to questions and get reactions that quickly? Can people not wait 15 minutes to

How the fuck is Blade Runner: 2049 not on this list? It’s probably the best world building sequel that doesn’t ruin the original film. The rest of this list is good though

Unless it’s much longer and is “Save me Dr Manhattan has imprisoned me on this moon”

Id put Ramin Djawadi as MVP composer- Person of Interest, Game of Thrones, AND Westworld???

Except that McDonalds isn’t the right point of comparison for that. You can say a lot about the MCU films, but they’re not low-grade schlock. They’re filled with talented actors giving their all, young, often unproven directors taking their shot and putting their heart and soul into it and writers that have to squeeze

Aaron Paul deserves an Emmy for his performance. His version of playing the broken hostage was amazing, especially in that scene where they’re burying the cleaning lady.  It was brutal to watch.

It’s hard to call it forgettable when it’s just come out so I just find it presumptive and again, unnecessary. Particularly when I personally think it was one of the better animated features of the year.

really weird take throwing in all that unnecessary shade at a enjoyable film that got a B- on this very site.

I know I’m probably alone in this, but I didn’t much like Jared Leto’s take on the Joker.

For a show that the CW may have actively been trying to kill, Supernatural really fought on.

I also regularly fly first and business, and I’m here to tell you: fuck off. It’s a bathroom. Get over yourself. Who cares where people pee? It doesn’t matter. I have been affected by people using the first class bathroom precisely 0 times.

I still like Taco Bell, but I’ll never fully get over them killing the Chili Cheese Burrito. Every order I make at Taco Bell is just some hopeless effort to recreate the joy that that simple burrito brought me.

Lady Gaga wasn’t even nominated for an Emmy for AHS.

Forgetting Sarah Marshall kinda destroys both of these movies. 

Apparently Brit was named after her Norwegian grandmother. Which is a shame because if that grandmother had been SWEDISH I would totally make a joke about how her post is, in many ways, basically an Abba song:

People know that’s a prop and none of the characters are actually real... right?

Gravy can be good on cheese, poutine for example is amazing. Gravy on mac & cheese is a war crime. I would push back on “enchilada sauce is mexican gravy” assertion as well. 

You want gravy on mac and cheese? What kind of monster are you? That sounds horrible. The cheese sauce is absolutely all the moisture that dish needs.