
‘It’s hard to imagine satisfying anyone if you spent millions of words and over two decades solely to tell us “people suck, and then get eaten.”’

Six months later, as Safran stands over the defeated, battered body of James Gunn, lightsaber in hand, tears in eyes:

“You were the chosen one! It was said that you would bring balance to the comic book franchises... not leave them in darkness!”

Did you somehow miss the part where Disney just recently bought Fox?

I think you’re the only person who actually watched the video.

Very much agree. This one went on way too long for me, and it was just way too dark. The episode bordered on depressing, but not even in the way it was maybe supposed to. By about the halfway point when we were stuck with the unending dinner/mob scene, Kimmy’s truly boring descent into assholeness, and the unfunny and

That’s two days too long. Nobody has a right to call grieving parents with young murdered children false flag villainous actors, no matter how much public interest work he does in exposing how the government is turning people gay and also the Jews did 9/11. Chemtrails.

Ben’s Jarvis.

This isn’t to whitewash everyone out. They probably had a few actors/actresses that fit the part, but didn’t look the part.

Look, what you’re saying isn’t wrong, it’s just misplaced.

The general public will never buy into those sorts of comic deep cuts. Next you’ll be suggesting people will one day care about silly sounding stuff like Mjolnir and Jarnbjorn, or something as obviously ridiculous as “Infinity Gems.”

It was amazing how much 21 and the Monarch wanted him to be awesome based on the fact that he owns the X2, batmobile, and all the other cool, fan stuff, but he just couldn’t!

“You’re facing the wrong way! Restart!”

“In fact, if I want your opinion, I’ll be happy to beat it out of you...”
Wow, look out everyone, got a real tough guy over here.

Now playing

I go to church every god-damn Sunday! You gonna bring the DEMONS out in me!

I enjoyed Hot Rod start to finish, but the sequence where Richardson, the guy who desperately wants to join the stunt team, helps them distribute flyers brings me to tears laughing. Every time:

What a classy response.

“I hope no one was seducing anyone while I was about to be lobotomized!”

This is not an Interview. It’s a Random Roles and should be listed as such.

Oh my god, Nancy was incorrectly told that Osana was re-applying her makeup and she went “why? she’s just going to cry it off again” in frustration.

At Disney, she expressed that it was corny that they asked her to wear her medal during the parade because she typically didn’t like to wear her medals at public events.


Fuck that, the Expanded Universe books started in 1991 (1978 if you count Splinter of the Mind’s Eye), the European Union was created by the Maastricht Treaty in 1992. If either should change their name, it should be those damn Continentals.