
This show was so terrible and I hate-watched it, but for real I still use Sammi’s most eloquent contribution in my everyday life: “RAAAHHHN STAAAAHHHHP”

If they’re trying to convince me that he doesn’t have Alzheimer’s and the only person who can manage him is his daughter, they’re failing. Miserably.

In hindsight, this was the moment I should have known you’d become a true celeb, and were not long for this world.

It’s moments like these I’d consider paying for Hulu.

The thing I’ll give Tamra is that she’s one of few people who, upon converting, is actually working really hard to become a better person. Unfortunately, her rage issues keep getting in the way.

I haven’t watched RHOC for many seasons, but I’m gobsmacked Tamra’s usurped Vicky as the center orange. Also, “baptized?” Is she born-again in an obnoxious, second coming of Alexis Bellino kinda way?

You really don’t see how someone uneducated in figure skating might think that the costumes, music, and choreography are just as important as the physical challenges, and why a top athlete like Wagner would want to push back on that? Or how the layman could conflate figure skating and ice dancing as parts of the same

Meanwhile, Melania is clearly not wearing Paul Ryan-approved “appropriate attire”.

A CSI-Macgyver-Hawaii Five-O crossover would make me quit, too

“Some, like Buzzfeed, have interpreted this renewed alliance as shade.”

What pisses me off most about President Dipshit inserting himself in this story is that per his proposed healthcare reform, the children suffering like that here at home would be left to die while their parents are saddled with a copious amount of medical debt.

Pretty sure YOU will come out of it in better shape this way because all the shame is placed on you from the outside. You did nothing shameful by being honest about why you were leaving and you can walk away knowing you made a good decision for yourself. You didn’t hide it and you were honest. Can’t get better than

I mean, if the only issue is that monogamy just isn’t for you I personally would rather have you tell me that than to lie about why you’re leaving me. YMMV

I did it—told my ex-husband that I was leaving to have sex with other people. It wasn’t easy and I was made to feel like an evil person. I think that’s what makes it so common to just start cheating. You’re going to be treated like an evil whore either way. He’ll never have a moment where he appreciates that I didn’t

Today I adopted these badass little girls, so I’m loving the world.

I’m drinking a beautiful (ahem bottle of) Rosé. I recently started a job at a fancy schmancy winery and get free/discounted wine by the buttload, so I’ve been quite content in my new perks. Even if it’s part time....which also works because YAY I started my own business!

I am now being PAID...PAAAAIIID to make art and

Alicia I too long for a day when big budget films directed and starring women won’t seem like a big deal, but we aren’t there. Clueless was released over 20 years ago, and female directed blockbusters are just as uncommon now as they were then. Wonder Woman isn’t a big deal because it’s the first of its kind, it’s a

I hate this idea that parents always know what’s best- just because your a parent doesn’t make you an expert on education or healthcare. The same argument comes into vaccination discussions too. Experts and researchers sometimes know more than you, parents!

I got in a long Facebook argument with a stranger over this (it was midnight and I couldn’t sleep, Facebook arguments are my ambien) who said DeVos didn’t do anything wrong because now FINALLY parents have a choice where they send their kids to school, like that’s not already a thing that is allowable. I explained
