aka Bradyquinnsteeth.


I agree.

Trump deserves every bit of ridicule. He is a world class buffoon. However, these criticisms would carry more weight if they also called out both sides for their douchebaggery. Obama’s most significant campaign promise was exposed as a blatant and outrageous lie. Yet not a peep from his supporters.



Term limits would solve many of our problems. I am strongly in favor.

I suppose you are correct. I tend to look at EVERY politician with a jaundiced eye. I give none of them the benefit of the doubt. Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Of course Trump’s side was present. An effort to overturn the results was underway.


Tell me where I am wrong.

Enlighten me as to where I am wrong, dude.

Russian intelligence has confirmed that this is how Donald Trump was conceived.

First of all, thank you for a well thought out reply.

Sphincter? I hardly knew her.

No. I do not believe all taxes are theft.

A lot of factors are considered when hiring and determining salary. During times of low uenmployment, firms must pay more. Education could have been a factor. Maybe his negotiation skills were better. Maybe he had better ideas on how to do the job.

What Hillary wanted to do was worse. She wanted to use the force of law to steal my money to pay for others student loans.

Didnt HRC propse the same thing? And Bernie, too?

The headline of this article is enough for my head to spin in circles.

I remember the chaos created in DC when there was a giant protest against Bill Clinton and his sleaziness. It was total gridlock.