Garthok Narfler

My grandfather was a good-ole-boy, and used to help Bobby with recruiting in South Florida back in the 1980s. He’d be tasked with taking out a young black kid, buying him a bunch of clothes, shoes, and groceries for the family, helping solve any money problems the family had, that sort of thing.

Ask and ye shall receive:

Guys...Boogie is good. Everyone hates to see how painful it is for him to be on a bad team. The celtics are a young team with a lot of assets they could trade for him. Isn’t this a legitimate thing to think about? Isn’t it better to do so creatively? The articles weren’t perfect but you’re all like he should be shot

My biggest beef with Deadspin is that they dedicate so many articles to just hating on other pieces of writing or writers. Look, you aren’t wrong, but do you really not have anything of your own to post about? Are you really so unoriginal that the only thing you can write about is how bad other people are? Doesn’t

We all know that DeMarcus Cousins plays for the Sacremento Kings. What this column presupposes is... what if he didn’t?

I will never understand all the Simmons hate here. It it the entitled arrogance? I’ve read deadspin for years. That’s the tea pot calling the tea cup white.

For as much as you slander Bill, you promote his articles? I read both of them earlier this morning. Pretty cool style of writing if you ask me. Fun articles. You should try being creative.

I thought the articles were pretty entertaining and definitely not so bad as to deserve this post.

A sportswriter speculating about a possible trade and its impact?

Literally no one had this perception of the word until this, outside of Lebrons team. I’ve never heard it used racially...ever. In the past Lebrons “business associates” have been criticized for poor behavior, and I am assuming Phil used posse as a call back to that, but brining race into it -with a man whose entire

Phil Jackson got into this mess because he insulted Lebron’s friend and Lebron pretended their are some racial undertones to saying “posse” that didn’t exist until Lebron decided it was to his benefit. There are no “good guys” in this story, just good gossip.

The Warriors are awesome and I look forward to them completely dismantling every other team in the playoffs even after LeBron James complains to the league and tries to get players booted out of the games.

I don’t follow the 49ers really, so I don’t have any real theories (though apparently I have a lot of words, as it turns out), but I’ve seen other people comment that he’s had three shoulder surgeries so if that’s true it could certainly be a factor. Too lazy to look it up and find out for sure.

Hiring Chip Kelly is roughly the car equivalent of getting the Matt Millen model with tinted windows and upgraded rims.

Troll harder.

I think he does, but that he’s the kind of guy who doesn’t respond well to intense adversity. He tasted extreme success in the NFL very, very fast. Promoted from bench to starter midway through rookie season. Fucking stomped the Patriots that same season in Foxboro. Super Bowl appearance that same season. NFCCG the

In Kaepernick’s breakout year, I thought I was witnessing the debut of the quarterback of the future. It was thrilling to watch him. I’m not even a 49er fan, and his decline has been one of the most befuddling things I’ve seen in sports the last few years.

I’m making shit up, but is it possible that Kaepernick just doesn’t want to play football anymore?