Anna Kendrick Lamar

There is still one burning question not revealed in this piece: which member of Bloomberg Businessweek's staff posed for this cover photo?

I was just commenting on this in another thread. Their covers are one of the best arguments for saving print. This one is another favorite:

Finally. A magazine cover that hasn't been Photoshopped.

Not saying I care. But it is part of the contract and the NFL has the right to enforce it or others will think it is permissible. The NFL is standing up for their contractual rights and a multi millionaire baby decides he doesnt want to do what he agreed to. I have 0 interest in what he has to say, or anyone. Why do

Yet we talk about guys' balls when we are really seeing their scrotums....Vagina is the common place term for it. I think it's maybe time we stop trying to force labia into the common lexicon.

I think that collectively deciding A&F isn't cool is one of the best things we've accomplished as a society in the last 15 years.

Businessweek has been doing some amazing covers as of late. While that A&F one is great, this one is my personal favorite:

I have no problem with this. It is part of his job. One he gets paid very well for. Screw the fact that he doesnt want to do post game press. He is required by the fact that he agreed to play this game for x amount of dollars. It is part of what that money pays for. If he doesnt want to do it, take some money away, a

She's still a thing? I assumed she was a one and done kinda girl.

I bet you a trazillion dollars Meghan Trainor knows nothing about politics period.

Is that... a pickle? What type of monster puts pickles on pizza??!!!

No lie: I ate pizza tonight.

No lie: if I don't get pizza at least once a week i get agitated. I've formed this habit over a LIFETIME of Friday night pizza night.

And now we will all probably find as many pop culture references as we can. I'm skipping the Turtles and going to Spaceballs.

Ok I was seriously looking at this the whole time I was writing it and didn't realize it at all.

I know ediorial staff has nothing to do with ad placement/products but I find this hilarious

So do you honestly think the GOP would have supported it if Hillary had been president and proposed it. Not fighting you, just posting an honest question. Much of what is called racism in regards to Obama is nothing more than typical political fighting that would exist regardless of the skin color of the President. I

Let's be honest... I know exactly what the leanings of this site are when I choose to visit it. You people sure are protective of your Obama person... and mocking of anything else. It really surprises me how sensitive such snarky assholes can be.

More Boo-fucking-hooing every time someone doesn't drop to his knees in worship of the current President?

Very true. And NOTHING proposed by a Republican is seen as good by Democrats. You act like the parties used to work in harmony until Obama was elected, and then it all came to a stop. President Obama has never made the slightest attempt to work with the GOP (he started with "we won, get over it" from day 1") and the