Anna Kendrick Lamar

Here's hoping he comes back at some point.

Remember when this story was in the news 24 hours a day leading up to the biggest event in sports?


Unfortunately it seems more likely to happen than a Black Widow movie at this point.

If they don't have a basketball in their logo, how can we know what sport they play?

Deadspin butcher English language by continuing to not understand subject verb agreement.

Hey Rachel Dolezal is back

I don’t know the specifics of this college’s endowment, but generally schools only have access to the interest an endowment earns and not the principal amount. So it’s not like they could just withdraw $16 million (and why the AG was involved).

Don't diss Dan Wetzel like that. (But yea, Yahoo doesn't have much else going for it.)

Except investors get an actual stake in the company and a share of profits.

I had no idea there was both a Ryan and a Bryan Adams.

Nothin but oats and hoes on deck for him.

Especially diplomats to the U.S.

Not really too stacked

Mike Vick approves

Imagine all the trouble he’d be in had he been “generally aware” of someone maybe deflating footballs.

I think Isaiah Thomas got in trouble for saying the same thing

Get Ted Wells on it