
Yes you can! There are POC communities on kinja for us by us. Come hang.

Room temperature water is better for your digestion.

I think she's a big deal to our generation because, she was the quintessential black girl. She was basically black taylor swift, but awesome and cool whereas taylor is corny af. Also who didn't get their whole life from her version of Cinderella?

I feel like they do these things because the delude themselves into thinking, "After I do this the blacks will love me. Like they will really love me" And then when that doesn't happen they flip out.

You seem like a person of sound mind, so explain the klaus love, because I literally did a praise dance when he was defeated.

Also if you think the race stuff on TVD is a doozy? Never watch the originals. I have had to stop episodes and take a walk.

yeah, the show made it's choices and if it cared they would have diversified their writing staff something amazing could have come out it.

Right, in my mind, bonnie finds some amazing black girlfriends and LIVES HER LIFE.

I saw that scene and I thought, well IRL, one of these women would have come to bonnie way before this and told her to leave these white people alone.

"At the end of last season the mistress turned on Ernestine, sold her and now Pearly Mae is haunting her. This show is too good. Any questions?"

you could seriously write a dissertation about the messed up racial and gender politics of this show. Also how Stefan and Damon are slave owners and keep killing all the black people in the town, and the show never addresses it.

Also cade aka the devil being a black guy is peak #whitepeoplewishes

at this point bonnie is the last black person standing in a town of murderers who couldn't stop killing black people, I like to think she did what she out of a desire to survive

at least she stole from a good someone. *shrug*

A lot of baggage and a bad campaign. When Colin Powell's emails leaked he said that she smart and capable, but her arrogance consistently messes her up, and that was true in this campaign.
She was tied to bad policies and dirty tactics that people remembered. Not to mention her unpopular foreign policy for people on

Yeah, totally. It's happening in feminist circles too. And it's super disappointing.

"He also says white people are originally from Mars that's why they have no rhythm"
That's the funniest thing I have heard today so far.

I agree. He gets antsy when he suspects Annaliese is lying to him, which is 90% of the time. Annalise is not a good person. And what's she's put him through and the way he dealt with it, has him at saint levels. He gets to call her a mean name, without being labeled as abusive.

How dare you get Kalinda's name wrong.

The album is subtle and understated and actually deep, it's not for you if you like obvious stuff, which isn't a knock. Musically is has way more in common with chairlift or the dirty projectors, or blood orange. But it is very good. It very much a record for millennial black girls