Yeah... I'm in the process of migrating to Polygon (for now, new outlet of Brian Crecente. Lots of Kotaku commenters are arriving there these days...
Also, I just saw that the "top trending discussion" on the home page of Polygon is called "Talk Amongst Yourselves"... and of course it has been created and is filled (close to 400 comments) by ex-Kotakuites.
Yeah, less confusion will be better but a daily link to an infinite thread is kinda pointless. It's just not the same...
I am (or was) a frequent TAY user and occasional TAYpic provider too. The daily TAY has been killed by the new system quite efficiently. Yes, I saw that you redirect people to the TAY forum but it's not the same and it already existed before... It's gonna be a pain to browse the comments (since apparently, people will…
Well I was expecting more from you but thanks anyway for your answer. I've been visiting Kotaku many times a day for several years now and it saddens me big time to see a somewhat important part of my life ripped apart and taken away from me.
I don't think the editors have much to do with this. Gawker decided to impose that system to all, not giving a damn about what readers think. And Kotaku editors either have been miraculously convinced that it is actually a good system, or and more probably, they've been told to be positive about this. I don't believe…
Yes but featured discussions existed before already! You just had the option to view all, it you so chose! Right now, it was a real pain to figure out the way to get back to that precise message. these nested and branching replies generates a labyrinth. As a web developer and a human being, I find this very not user…
And you only see the mainstream thread, arbitrarily selected by our computer masters. How about smaller threads, how about the little ones who may have a different opinion? These will be forgotten and lost in the branches of your gigantic labyrinth...
So you want people to just read the mainstream comment, leaving the underdog unheard of. You want people to read arbitrary and automatically selected threads. The small ones will never be heard anymore.
OK Totilo, how about polling your community to see what they think of this system?
You make me incredibly sad. Kotaku commenting community has just been killed. I feel like an orphan now.
I think Crecente gave me my first star, I think it was because of a message where I said I gave a few bucks to the pregnant woman of that canadian dev that had died in a car crash. Really didn't feel like I deserved to be starred for that but felt nice anyway.
I'm with you here. Totilo seems a smart enough guy to see this is crap so I keep hoping he'll manage to get us out of this mess...
Man, I really shouldn't intervene here but how old are you, twelve? You make me sad.
I really don't want to think about that new godawful commenting system. I really hate it and I think I would have to stop commenting at the very least. And TAY will become useless with such a system.
Yeah, Gawker is really making huge efforts to annihilate everything they have. I really hope Kotaku will get to pass on this stupid comment system.
Yeah, seems kinda odd to do that... although you don't absolutely need to scream.
Same situation here. I had to change my PS3's settings so I could play Duke Nukem Forever with the actual voice of the Duke, not some french guy trying to imitate him :-P