Every furry I’ve known(and I knew a bunch of them back in the ‘90s) was in it for the hot sweaty fursuit hotel sex. It doesn’t equal furry porn, it equals lots of yiffing.
Every furry I’ve known(and I knew a bunch of them back in the ‘90s) was in it for the hot sweaty fursuit hotel sex. It doesn’t equal furry porn, it equals lots of yiffing.
#3: Because who wants to yiff with a fox that has no tits or dick?
“Keep your gross furry fetish out of my article about a gross robot-anus fetish!”
Prompto: “Wait, that came out wrong!”
Noctis: “There is no wrong way to love a chocobo!”
I keep mine on the shelf. Easier to tell if one has gone rogue.
Scruffy has good ideas.
I’m actually expecting final review code today! So I sure hope it’s too late for more delays.
I don’t know I’d say that. The original Dishonored gave you the tools to think outside the box and do some really batty things, but IMO the morality system disincentivized you to actually try anything too crazy because if you end up killing someone you get fewer rewards and might get the bad ending.
Exactly. Firewatch is about a white male but its about a white male doing a job in 1980's wildrness. I grew up in the 80's in a deep rural and mountainous area in MT, a place where fire is a constant threat in the back of your mind all summer long. I still live there and I found Firewatch the most interesting game of…
I am surprisingly on board with this.
I do what I can, and in reality I have no doubt the OP is well aware of his options. It’s just... someone has to do it.
when i wrote that sentence i felt incredibly proud.
A million stars for this reference.
I’ll get right on after I find the swimming pool on the roof.
Wait, so is the moving crosshair providing some measure of aim assist, or does it move out of center and then snap back when you fire. Because both of those sound incredibly annoying to me, actually. I want my crosshair in the center of my screen so I know where I’m aiming, and when I fire, that’s where I want my…