
The 3DS hit the carpet and made a thump sound?

But why is Leap day slapped on to February, not December?

Perhaps, they let the cat out of the bag early (pun not intended) so they could get people use to the simple features before they announce the bigger features at WWDC. Like Facebook sharing sheet :)

I got Metroid Prime 3, one day early. I heard people where getting it a day early at Best Buy so I stopped by to see. I asked one of the employee's if he knew anything, he said they aren't selling it until tomorrow. Bummed out, I just started to looking through the video games. Behind a bunch of random games was

I watched every video just to make sure Gizmodo wasn't lying.

Lol, i like people who have beards so you know where the chin is.

Bowser just isn't popular with the lady's lol

China's problem, not ours. The Foxconn mangers are calling them "Animals" not Apple. Besides, Foxconn is one of the better places to work at in China.

I wonder if this has anything too do with he Giants winning the Super Bowl? "Giants Rule" ?!

"Breaking news: Microsoft to release LaunchPad for Windows. All your Apps are displayed in an organized grid."

I cut open a Goose... the bone was white. Dog chewed it up before I could measure it.

What is wrong with squares (w/ rounded edges of course)? Triangles don't work with most people's entertainment centers. Sega think before you make a consoles but I am glad they are coming back to the console wars.

Rarely anyone is going to walk around with it, like an iPhone. As long as it's like Gorilla Glass it won't break/scratch easy.

All my apps blew away in the wind :(

Should be Nexus vs iPad 2, they are the products that sand out the most this year. Also, your post is not valid, Macbook Air is an upgrade as well and it beat the new Nexus.

About time, Google needs to have 1 Tablet and 1 Smartphone. Not 20 different devices.

I think it looks like Little Big Planet mixed with Pikmin. It even has the weird old guy narrating things.

We all win! No Android crap. Then we get innovations like Windows Phone 7. Stop making an open source version of iOS and think outside of the box.

I bet people are going to start buying Sony tablets because the Pope did. That's the sad part.

I thought it was going to be a smaller form of the Ice Hurricane in "Day After tomorrow."