@Fortnite - At the very least, they’re accessories before the fact. And guilty parties by depraved indifference. They didn’t need to travel to Mexico; all they needed to do was put him there. Which they were fully prepared to do.
@Fortnite - At the very least, they’re accessories before the fact. And guilty parties by depraved indifference. They didn’t need to travel to Mexico; all they needed to do was put him there. Which they were fully prepared to do.
lol and eww.
I, for one, am looking forward to seeing Al’s feet.
That’s horrible. I understand where you’re coming from, but mental illness doesn’t work that way. You can’t blame people like that. Well, I guess you can, but it isn’t fair. I’ve known a lot of people who have killed themselves and I and others have been hurt by it every time. But never did I have such scorn for them.
People with children are not allowed to have crippling depression. Got it. Thanks for that. I’ll keep it in mind.
You didn’t attend her funeral? So as you say this was a women who you knew since you were toddlers. I assume that means you were pretty good friends. Instead of being there for those two children when they probably need people the most you got on your high horse and road away.
Seeing how the rise in suicide preceded the Trump Presidency by about 20 years, it is safe to say that the increase is not from that. Please don’t trivialize this horrible affliction.
Yeah, this just hit me really hard. I’ve always really admired Anthony Bourdain. His writing was so witty and honest and he’s always been so open and real about his struggles with heroin and alcohol. I guess I just kinda related to him. He really seemed like he had built the best life; traversing the globe in search…
Celebrity deaths usually don’t affect me, but this one hit me really hard. Fuck this shit. Fuck Mental Illness.
He was like that bad boy uncle, the black sheep that would turn up at family gatherings on his motorbike and would sneak you your first taste of beer.
I’m absolutely floored by this news. As tragic as it is to say, I’m almost hoping that it turns out accidental, because it’s hard to wrap my head around someone with such verve for life, purposely taking their own. Depression can be insidious and sometimes hidden. I’ve been there myself.
This guy... THIS guy... was the most interesting man in the world.
Man, it’s like a huge part of my youth just fucking blinked out.
Unbelievably heartbroken. When I read this my whole body had chills. His work has meant so much to both me and my partner. Despite his sometimes cynical perspective, Parts Unknown (and his other series) made me feel incredibly hopeful about humanity.
How horrible. Something about him always seemed so.. loving life, you know. And then he just didn’t, apparently.
This is terrible news to wake up to. Anthony Bourdain’s shows changed my life in more ways than one. My partner and I were both huge fans, and I can’t imagine how different our lives would have been if not for Bourdain. His wit and crotchety brand of humanism were delightful, and will be missed.
Yeah, “adoptive” was the wrong word to use. Changed it above.
Serena is in a hell of her own making. Fuck her. Seriously.
Hard as it was to watch, I thought the Commander whipping Serena was a really strong plot development. I don’t think Serena truly realized until then that the system she helped create actually enslaves *all* women. That she’s in a cage, just as the Marthas and the Handmaids and the Econowives are. Her husband just…
I really, really wish people would stop calling the Putnams “adoptive” parents. First of all, the male Putnam is the baby’s biological father, so I’m confused as to how he’s an “adoptive” parent at all. Unless somehow “adoptive” means “not deserving the title of father” which is SO insulting to real adoptive parents.