
eh, I feel like Martha could still pay dividends to this show- she's aware of the US/Russian spies, people of importance in the action, the way they removed her from the US, other complications that she could introduce. I think Martha could end up having a large part in the final season- if not large, at least

he's Hank Schrader, basically?

I felt like he had the briefest flicker of recognition to that too, like "why does she have such specific concerns about my job in the division?" but he wanted to believe she's just into him and kind and pays attention. Stan will be shocked to realize later she was a plant and was working him- but not as shocked as

in context to the whole Pasha returning to USSR storyline, yeah, that was my take too- I'm going to send Henry to a distinctly different, opposite world than he has grown/existed in, and he's going to struggle w/ the same stuff Pasha struggled w/ here and nearly died over. That w/ the idea that living in the US for

is it just me, or did Andrea from Walking dead (Laurie Holden/Stan's girlfriend) look like she was a different person? Did she have like a massive face-lift or plastic surgery disaster? I couldn't get past how different and strange I thought she looked, almost like Cat Woman (that creepy socialite NY lady Jocelyn

i kept thinking she was going to get randomly mugged/attacked and kick the shit out of someone, or her mom was going to "surprise" her w/ an attack for training. Then I thought it seemed Paige was looking for a scuffle, trying to vent some anger on a random mugger. Then, nothing happened. It just fizzled. Ugh, that

Eh, I'm feeling a time jump coming on in the last season, maybe a year or two ahead- the fall of all of it, the end of the Cold War, the Russian gates opening/closing- maybe they can't go back now, maybe they can but its counter-productive since they don't really need to. I am really hoping Phillip reveals the truth

ok, ok, you two, you're both right. Blacks are mistreated, women are mistreated, and in this post-Trumpski fear-mongering terror-dome we call "Modern Times" you are both being sh*t on and misrepresented and bullied and dis-empowered and threatened. But if you band together, you may find you have power in quantity.

I am 39, turning 40 tomorrow. I realized I have been carrying a satchel, or backpack, or manbag, for 25 years. (I skipped a few middle school years.) I had this realization today that I needed a bag after high school to carry my writing books and drugs, and 25 yrs later still retain this odd habit despite having long

Sporting a Beatles haircut at age 44 is the most distinctive thing about the guy. BURN

yeah, that was like, 1987, I think.

does Musk have a blood-boy? He does, right? Probably a whole secret floor of them somewhere?

Yeah, running marathons is for showboaty losers. That's why I don't do it. I could, I mean, sure, I'm probably a marathon champion, but I don't need to be a braggart about things. So, that's why I don't run them. Jerky marathon running showboats, they get me so mad. Psssshhh.

"for a crime involving extortion and prostitutes"
fixed that for ya

With everything happening now in the country, I do a lot of planning for the inevitable fall of society and having to take care of my family at home in the woods, so we have conversations about what types of weapons we need and who does what if we have 45 mins before bombs start falling in NYC or something. (Last

Agreed. 20 yrs ago I lived in LA as a near-homeless kid and we had no money, no tv, nothing- so at night we'd listen to the radio, and Dr. Drew and Adam kept us a lot of good company. We'd stay up laughing and listening and often considered showing up at the studio to both a, punch Adam, b, meet Dr. Drew, c, punch Dr

I thought she'd have been much more badly battered from the sounds- like head crushed in, brains out, etc. No way she survived that many hits from that dude. And yeah, my biggest fear up until that moment was that Sy was going to get it, not her- and then I realized I'd be frikking crushed no matter which of them died.

maybe for you it wouldn't, but many of us here find the idea of drinking water out of the dirty Brit's ball-mug fairly gag-inducing.

I think you mean "EMAIL ROBOTS". Remember, he's a kid in the 80s, he'd be coming of age in the Internet Boom Age. Obviously mail robots are the blueprint…for the FUTURE

mmmm…stomach stacking marker food parfaits…(drools)