
my best friend completely randomly met w/ Mr. Lenk on an online dating site and had always been a HUGE BTVS fan- this was back in 2008 or so- and still declares this to be perhaps the best swipe he's ever randomly made. And to top it all off Mr. Lenk was a gentleman, a scholar, and dang fine kisser…

what a God-awful movie this sounds like, pun intended. Best part of that review was finding out John Fusco created Marco Polo. My childhood hero who wrote YOUNG GUNS is still alive, working, and doing well for himself? Good for him. Young Guns came out in 1988 or so, when I was 11, and was a very big movie in my time.

Hey, I've been using my AOL account for my email since 1995. Pence can suck it coming in trying to steal my thunder.

This episode cemented my belief that Alexander Skarsgaard is a future Brando. He's just so intense, when he's on screen, even for a moment, you can't take your eyes off him. I'm a straight married man, and I told my wife, yes, I get it, even I see why you'd go for him, but dang, his acting has depth. He's like a

that's a phenomenal back story to a fantastic joke. The AV Club may do a feature on it one day, recounting how it came to be. It was grand. I was HERE when it fking happened, dude!

I'm working on a tv project right now, and the lead was a mega-rich, super successful CEO of a Tesla/Google type company (think Elon Musk w/ some more DT characteristics) and the only person in my head that I imagined in the role was Bill Paxton. With a nice head of silvery-white hair. Looking presidentially

hmmm, its like when I emailed AV CLUB about the movie I wrote and got produced and made and came out last month (MASSACRE ON AISLE 12, its a real piece of shit) that they won't even reply to me, a 10+ yr reader and commentator on. Kind of like that. no?

"word salad" is a choice on my intake assessment forms when reviewing drug abusing mentally ill people. I've rarely ever had to select it, because to be honest I was never quite sure what it meant/defined compared to other terms. Solved that problem, I guess. Uh…yay?

I once wrote a movie (short) for a college class that was made in Athens, GA, and centered on a crew of stoner would-be criminals stealing a private collection from a local eccentric mobster/collector. It was called BOOKS: THE MOVIE! and it sounds shockingly similar to some of these details.

is this guy a gimmick account? Could he start one, if he's not? Because I could listen to the ranting, raving loony tunes stuff all day long on here…

he didn't want to know! Why'd you have to go and tell him (us)??? Come on, man…thanks. Now we're all just a bit stupider.

And they were the original slaves, right? You know that? The Irish-white-Americans had it JUST AS BAD as the slaves- worse if you consider they've been just about forgotten by the mainstream sicko media! So, moral is: Racism is over, because I read that Irish people were slaves once too on Breitbart, so what do you

Fun Fact: I failed Gym in my senior year and had to attend summer school in my 12th grade summer to graduate. Then had to take the class w/ the same teacher I'd cut all year, who mercilessly tortured me and made me run the track at 7am thru July/August heatwaves over and over again. This being 1996, I also was

I have never been more excited for a sequel in my life. 39 years, and I was born in 1977 and went through the Star Wars sequels and the rebooted new ones. What I'm saying is, I really like John Wick.

whoa, whoa, easy now.

I'm Adam. For a 3 yr period of awkward teenage years I was "Adym". Because that was edgy and weird and cool.

my wife started sobbing last night when they cut to the funeral and I had to take her hand (she's really panicky and worked up about a lot of Trump stuff these days, plus ALREADY had panic attacks/anxiety before this) and tell her "They are not real people, remember? Fictional characters babe." But that said? I was SO

in moral terms, agreed. In realistic terms as people watching a tv show she stars on? I think its fair to say she's not "healthy", as no one who is very obese could possibly be. And I say that as a fat guy, who is in good shape otherwise, but still carries around 100 lbs of extra heart/cholesterol/blood

my freaking tarantula (that I bought to "get over" my fear of spiders and then instantly regretted and realized I actually had a fear of tarantulas) did this same thing> I lost my sh*t when I thought she'd begun multiplying in her cage while we slept, and then when trying to clean it out dropped the tank and she got

Zack de la Cockroacha works about 10% better, just saying. Also Linus Cockroche and so on.