
I had roaches so bad in my LA apartment we used to joke that they were letting us sublet. They would not only not scatter when lights went on, they'd yell "Yo, we're using this room!" and we'd have to slowly back out. They often would "borrow" food and other toiletries and never chip back in to buy more.

I did this a few years ago formy wife and daughter on Valentines Day. Seemed like a nice alternative holiday celebration. They absolutely loved it, and then I got to take them to the Bronx Zoo to see "their" roaches (my daughter was 4 at the time). It was well worth the 10 bucks to help a good cause and include

taco bowls, ham, fried chicken wings, chicken nuggets, ham, potato chips, ham sandwiches w/ chips and mayo (extra mayo), ham nuggets, taco bowls sub ham for meat, ice cream, ice cream w/ ham on top, and lard ham casserole. Fixed that for you.

yeah, because the world has finally been shocked by Madonna's words. Because, you know, all of those people have always held her to such high standards and really believe in the power and importance of anything she has to say, for decades, and just, this was too much for them now. Really? We're talking about FUKING

oh, so if she'd given a shout-out to atheists and agnostics, you'd be cool with that piece? Riggggghhhhhtttt.

I could see North doing something cray- a test at a missile launched near Hawaii or Seoul or something- and DDrumpf just going full-retard (pardon the usage) and launching an all-out nuke attack on Pyongyang, which results in them hitting Seoul and any other available/capable attack sites immediately, leading to

ugh, god, I know. I argued w/ my realtor- mother, woman, 2 children (one girl)- about supporting Trump (she had her 8 and 11 yr old kids saying "F Hillary, Yay Donald Trump" to me) as a woman and mother of daughters, and she just…couldn't….understand my anger. I don't get it, I truly try and can't understand that

yeah, I'd say a little research on where its most needed, and then we go to contacting the providers that are closest and finding out what they need- is it a scheduled day, wherein people can sign up for pick up and we crowdsource people who can drive part of the way, getting them closer (some people may live hundreds

dude, I'm ready and willing to start a gofundme and devote any and all of my time (not much in stock but I'll make it) to helping to fund/plan/organize/run this gig. I have been looking for ways to fight back that are out of the mainstream process and this sounds brilliant. What say you? Between AV Club community and

i will eat snoballs ice cream, and I will hate myself for it, and I will then go try Twinkie Ice Cream too. I hate myself already. (Also I will adamantly refuse to let my children eat "that shit" and explain why its bad to them, then eat mine secretly at night when they have gone to bed.)

well, between that and 'music" I can't pick which is more disgusting. God, movies, jokes, music…what will they think of next?

There is a life form on my back (a twin sister that was swallowed in pregnancy by my zygote and absorbed her into my body) with a few hairs, two teeth, and an eyeball that would make a better President than Emperor Cheetoh.

You're weird, Yi Zheng. Your comments consist of butchered slogans and yelling about Trump, while imparting the will of the lord Jesus Christ into your beliefs. Like Jesus supports Trump or something. Do you think Jesus would be a fan of Trump's policies, statements, behaviors and statements? Really? I can't tell if

yeah, I've heard that stat many times- 1 in 3 or 1 in 4 women will be sexually assaulted/raped in their lifetimes, and the thing that always scares me is to think: does that mean 1 in 4 or 5 men are rapists? But no, the numbers- perhaps even more scary- seem to indicate that 10% of the men do 90% of those assaults,

what a nice, well handled disagreement between two extremely opposite opinions. It warms my heart, it does, to see AV Clubbers handling things admirably and politely.

in 1910, I think that was a slightly socially acceptable/different way of thinking, even if today it isn't. Agreed?

I would like to cast my hat, into the ring, for the role of Tobias. I'm already wearing jean shorts under my suit at work.

I have a friend who is named NEGRO. They changed it to NIGRO. Is that better? I also knew a girl whose last name was BOOGERTMAN. That was tough in grade school.

I pronounce it "Neigh-zzhaa" to avoid that.

I met Ms. Adams assistant back in Boston when she was making AMERICAN HUSTLE, and he said she was the kindest, easiest to work for, sweetest celebrity he'd ever worked w/. She hired him from his job as a PA on the set to be her driver, then her assistant after a day when she saw how well he got on w/ her infant