
you DO know that's a direct line/quote from this episode, right? You did actually watch this show before you came to shit on it and the reviews?

Or "Tracy Jordan" version.

see BLACK-ish, for "a show for us". I don't think its unacceptable to have a "white girl" review the show, since this is a pop culture entertainment website and the writer is clearly a fan of Marvel/TV and respected/competent to do so. Are we only ever allowed to have the same race/sex/background review a tv show that

watch that movie w/ Channing Tatum, something-lives of Saints? He's fantastic in that- as is Tatum- and they're both like 17. He gets a pass on a lot of bullshit for me because I feel like he's got the chops under all that nonsense.

nailed it

see here's what I did when I met Weird Al Yankovic in 1997: I asked him to sign my drivers license as a witness for my organ donation card. He loved the idea that he was going to be the guy they'd have to call to verify some random dude wanted to donate his guts to others upon his tragic death. Al then came to Rocky

try taking it with a meal, or after you eat. Ibuprofen is hell on some peoples stomachs. Or w/ a cup of milk if you can drink that stuff.

Feel free to send me all that non-usable oxycodone, Mr. Sheridan, I'll safely dispose of it for you.

I could not believe at my group therapy session last night, I asked 10 clients what they thought and got 5 "Trump destroyed her" answers and 5 "Trump looked so foolish" answers. I spent all night wondering how two opposing views can so strongly be culled out of the same experience. Insane and scary, to me.

my father in law lived in the closet, even in denial to himself, until about 70. (He blacked out at an adult video store, taken to ER and we found his car there the next night in the most surprising car-pick-up moment of our lives.) My wife was the only one who tried to encourage him to come out, take a chance, live

Or "O1iver7ofni9e" for the hacker kidz out there

Gargh! CineCraft asked a polite and well-worded honest question! Where are the pitchforks and torches?!?

mmmmm sweet sweet ammonia

uh, no, he allegedly threatened to kill his kids mother, have her raped by "big black men" and hit her while she was breastfeeding an infant, but, you know, no threats. So that's ok…

yeah, from reading a few tabloid reports speculating this, I'd say: You are easily susceptible to media brainwashing. No one really knows shit about whats going on, and I think its fair to say until we say court documents or interviews w/ either of them, about 98% of this is probably publicist-created bullshit or

This sounds like the best scene from the best movie I've never seen.
Please, someone call Pesci, and tell him this. He's going to LOOOOOVE this idea.

Not Kate, though. She's nice. And Rooney is ok. Not everyone sired by scumbags is also scum. (See: Uh…I can't think of anyone. Not anyone else.)

oddly enough, I love me some JUMPER. I think because it hits that imaginary spot that every kid fantasized about (being able to teleport, go into a bank vault and steal it all, spy on people, jump to the Pyramids, whatever) and is so silly, but whenever that comes on I get sucked into it. Sammy Jackson doesn't hurt,

the boys in my high school were I work LOOOOOVE them some Bilzerian. He's literally their hero. I've heard students say that: "Dan Bizerian is my hero." (And "Stitches", the insane asshole "rapper" from Miami.) Yeah, kids today are weird.

wow, guys, way to make Ancientshenanigan feel good on his first day of school. Jeez, buzzkills.