
On long Island everyone just sits in the fucking lane watching the lights cycle from green to yellow to red and never fucking moves anywhere, and then you honk at them and they look at you like you're an asshole

"she will be harder to get a hold of than Neil Patrick Harris at a Vaseline convention" is one of his witticisms that he must feel very proud of having "written" on his sad little listicle about "dating hood rats" in the Midwest. This guy is a gem, I tell ya- can't imagine he has trouble finding a nice girl to settle

His diqus history is full of disgusting, misogynistic baiting, and he appears proud of it and encouraging others to argue/get angry about his bullshit. He is a bullshiter who enjoys being "victimized" so he can complain about theyhypocrisy in his poor white manhood being taken advantage of when "libtards" and

not us Mets fans! We already are in Hell!

Can they get married, and he can take her name, and become "SCOOT POOTS"?
I would gladly chop a pinkie or toe off if this could happen.

For something like 10 years I thought this guys name was "Scott" McNairy and was either reading it wrong or it was a type. I've since noted that my brain tricked me into thinking I was seeing "Scott" when it was "Scoot". But who the fuck names their kid Scoot? So I contend I was not really wrong, but technically

In other news, Burger King introduced their new mascot today to take on The King in a series of BK-restroom karaoke battles: G.G. Allin!

oh, yeah, ok, no studs and spikes on your 3-piece work suit? NOT PUNK RAWK SELLOUT!!!

gardening and pest control- now that's punk rawwwwwwwk !!!

nah, Cruz is a "true believer" whereas Trump is a sell-out c*nt that will say anything to win/get elected/sell steaks. I feared Cruz and his religious overtures towards Christian Rule scarier than Trumps bullshit. Really.

FARGO is not ACTUALLY based on a true story. That's a fictional joke they do, just like the movie is not ACTUALLY based on anything real, either.

I would argue this point on Bob Odenkirk too- he has a character that was introduced for comic relief in one episode and has risen to the point where he can tear my heart in half and make me feel rage and anger and sadness and shame- in one look or statement- and has turned into a fantastic dramatic and comic ac-tor.

wow, TRANSPARENT, AZiZ, and Louie Anderson? The entire cast of OJ SIMPSON? Not a bad year, Emmy's. Though I'd have liked to see some ties w/ FARGO, otherwise, I'm pretty ok w/ this.Oh, fuck, and Rami Malek- that's like icing on this big shitty TV cake that I don't want to eat. Oh, its Elliot. I'll eat it.

yes, in fairness I would not mean to either have sexual relations w/ your family or vulgarly damn them based on politics. They might be good, wonderful people who are just wrong on this. like mine own family. So, to recap: F your family's opinions, and give them a good hug for me.

"I'd like to say something tonight that I think needs to be said, really, Kim Jong-Un is not a bad guy when you get to know him, he totally loves karaoke and Hennessy! He loves Big Macs and grape soda- He's as close to an American as you can get! (PHONE ON DESK RINGS) - wait, what? No, sir, no, I wasn't- yes sir,

is it wrong for me to say "F your parents"?

if there is one thing I can comfortably say, it's that this show is a bit smarter than most. And certainly not going for a cop-out/cheesy explanation (we live in the matrix!) like some are speculating.

order from your local library on DVD, only way I can find it anywhere.

Fun fact on Mr. Wong: about 12 years ago I went to the NYC premiere of John Cameron Mitchell's SHORTBUS w/ my pal who had a lead role in it. Met Mr. BD Wong in the theater where he furiously flirted with me and accused me of being the guy who lives on the 4th floor of his apartment building. (I'm a straight white guy

Hmmm, I'm thinking of that actress, what's her name, won a bunch of Oscars, dated John Cazele…uh…can't place her….