
a lot of times in filming inappropriate scenes w/ children, they don't really either A, say the dialogue (or say it in ways that they don't know what they're saying and then re-edit it later) or are not in the actual scene w/ the actors (split/cut screens) or they just pay the parents a shitload of money to let their

I thought the little girl was little Angela, or supposed to be making her feel that way. That it was just a dream/drugging situation and she'd wake up. Or did she? I have no idea what is going on sometimes here, but I love it. And the whole plot w/ China and 2 trillion dollar Ecoin new cryptocurrency is Insanely

saw the original at a premiere in NYC to a packed house of "is it real?" audience. It was phenomenally scary and fun. One of the best movie experiences of my adult life, and I see a lot of em. Something about the shared experience of not really knowing what was going on or how real it was (this was a surprise

suggestion: Do not watch THE DESCENT or read HOUSE OF LEAVES, then.

I realized yesterday n a conversation that we are on the inevitable countdown until the "reboot" of BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER has to happen. Right? I mean, it's been off air almost 15 yrs- they've got to be dreaming up a new Millennial reboot w/ teens as we speak.

yeah, good story on NPR yesterday about this- how the electoral college can decide to just vote Never Trump and not let him win, even if he sweeps all the states in question. As long as there are a bunch of smart enough people at work that day they could decide to block him.

yeah, the idea of that guy being a heart attack, stroke, or Twitter resignation away from the POTUS seat is scarier to me than anything. Trump is a fool, he'll get in and basically hand over day-to-day work to Pence, while he sells his brand and travels the world spending YUGE amounts of taxpayer money on stuff that

Several of my lifelong Republican friends have said this same thing. One of them was close to tears when he admitted to me he was voting Hillary.

hey, whoa, hold on- I heard in the last general election they found something like 12 ballots nationally that were from fake voters. And in the primary, in Georgia or wherever the big push on new voter restrictions is, they estimated the number as high as .00004 % of ALL votes were "suspect". Not 4%, not .04 %, not

welll, 3x in 44 elections (if you even count the ones pre-electoral college) is not just an anomaly. almost 10%. (I don't recall but I think it was Rutherford B. Hayes and McKinley who also lost popular vote and won electoral college.)

popular vote don't mean shit. I give you 2000 Bush v. Gore.

My biggest fear: I was discussing w./ a lifelong Republican I know (I'm a bleeding heart left-winger) the other night and he said, "I didn't realize so many of the people I've known and liked my whole life could hold such ugly, hidden, distorted beliefs about certain things- immigration, gays, minority communities,


From the review of 12/2013 eps of BLACK MIRROR, about a joke rising to become MP or whatever in England- think a 1-note joke character like Trump, and here is the review:
…He didn’t need to be funny, but outside of one particularly successful rant, his content is entirely dumb dick jokes and profuse swearing, which

"treat it with gauze and bacitracin to prevent infection"?

you know what you should do? Drop out. Walk the streets. Ride the rails across America. That's where your real education is. It pays dividends forever ! (And salary, I think. I am not certain but pretty sure this is a viable, decent career choice to make.)

I thought the Brody one was tolerable- not entirely great, but the "7 or 8 random killing machines must survive being killed" and knowing all or most would be killed off (of a good bunch of character actors) was done OK. Coulda done without Topher as the bad guy, but it had…heart. (Which was later torn from a chest,

Oh, is this the one about Predator and the hooker with the dysentery?

nope, that's impetigo. I should know, since I work in a school and every year like clockwork those lil spreading test tubes of juvenile delight infect me with it. Try getting impetigo in your mouth or eyes, then see if you believe kids are cute and harmless.

good point. I didn't mean him for that example, I was using that case as an example of someone who was able to prove it. Specifically this is a good example of someone who probably had a bit more means to make a case, instead of the many "failed or unaccomplished writers" like the rest of the people who sue. But not