
Those things stay with you forever. I am a 38 year old married father of two daughters- ages 10 and 2- and when my (now wife) girlfriend and I were 19 we had an abortion. It was a really difficult decision, that we both made, though she had the final say. There are days, even weeks that I don't think about it- but for

I'm totally fine with this, as how I never got over Reggie leaving, though Kid had finally just started to grow on me. But AL? AL is GOD. AL is the guy I grew up worshiping, met, got to sign my NY Drivers License as an organ donor witness (the old cards required one) and then dated my high-school best friend for a

HAHA. I went to Olive Garden for the first time in my life on my family trip to Orlando-Hell last summer. We'd taken a 6am flight from NY's JFK, with a 1 1/2 year old and 9 year old children (advice to anyone ever thinking of flying with those aged children: simply kill yourself instead) and then got the rental car

dude, youtube that shit. Type KEY AND PEELE episode and you can spend, literally, days on there. you have access to the majority of their stuff online. GET IT NOW!

I cannot wait for this movie. Forget it, I'll be there day one at the theater for this shizzit. (I think that's how you say it, like they do.)
(EDIT: I'm white.)

No, he can't because they actually HATE anyone in the medical field. So ATTACK THE BLOCK fuct that up too, for them.

I was stunned for the last 20 mins of the episode while I tried to figure out who his mom was played by, realized it was Louie Anderson, became convinced that Louie Anderson had died 8-10 years ago, googled it to make sure, and then had to come to terms w/ thinking I've been wrong about Louie's death for close to ten

ok, I'm sorry, did anyone see/read/hear the full text of the speech Palin gave? I'm just about stunned here, as no one I know seems to find the humor/scariness/terrifying reality of this disjointed, slightly unhinged woman's rambling, fantastical, and often incomprehensible "speech" endorsing him. I mean, she

Best was when they shared the screen in KILLING THEM SOFTLY, and I spent 50 minutes trying to recall which was which.
Now, I know. Ben is the creepier looking one. Scoot it the one w/ the funny name.
Both are awesome.

i saw it on the "sneak preview" full episode in Dec. It was actually decent- I'm not a pre-existing fan of the series, though I know I should be, I haven't had the time to read them- but it felt like a decent enough "Harry Potter for Adults" style show. It has promise. And it wasn't terrible. Is that a good enough

I just had an intern who finished at my job whose FIRST name was "Siemen". It was some foreign nationality, but she was 100% American. She would introduce herself w/ a sad, embarrassed voice. It was…difficult. I mean, who does that to a kid?

And Jonathan writes and directs more Oscar-bait. Is there anything Jonathan can't do? (Answer: No. There is NOTHING Jonathan can't do.)

"I'm pretty open to the idea of racism…"
Perhaps not the way you meant this to sound? But funny still.

you lost me at RESPECTFULLY: LAST YEAR 2015…

They used to sell this as "RUSH" or "video head cleaner" at the head shops in NYC in the 90's . Me and my high school buddies used to buy bottles of it (by the case) and walk around in school on a steady rush-high. Walk up to kids in the hallway and just hold it under their noses. UGH. the amount of brain cells we

What was the name of that movie? I'm asking…for a friend.

this was a flat out poor episode. And as a drug counselor who unfortunately has a masters level experience of doing urine tests, I can tell you that no spot test can tell you if you're pregnant. Though I have lied and told male clients that their test revealed a pregnancy to get them to admit they brought fake urine

jesus god is there no hope left for my writing career? When I see stuff like this getting sold…and made….and liked and supported…the video I clicked on from the youtube link had 43 million views. Am I that old, at 38? Am I missing what's good or funny or interesting about this…person?

Cindy Adams is an old, bitter, washed-up, out of touch right-wing loon who uses her column to indefensibly snark on liberals, socially conscious people/groups, the POTUS, and anything she doesn't understand. ("A post-apocalyptic wasteland of zombies? Count me and the rest of America out! Anyone up for a snoozefest???"

Oh my god, I just spit out my coffee and choked for 20 seconds laughing at the "An Entertainer/dumpster" line all over my desk. Jesus.