"Why a spoon, brother?"
"Why a spoon, brother?"
Fuck Cancer. Leave the Greats alone, you piece of shit disease. There are 20 Republicans running for President that would make you feel MUCH, MUCH better after a long attack on their bodies.
(NOTE: I do not really wish cancer on anyone, just, come on.)
(2nd note: I had cancer when I was a kid and beat that pathetic…
Awwww, whats wrong w/ Brad Cooper? There are a hundred people you could have slagged instead of him. He speaks fluent french, is in a lot of offbeat indie movies, has a Mensa level genius…does nice things for veterans and kids….surely he's not the parameter of shitty co-existing humanity, like Mr. Trump is.
I'll be free…ain't that just like me.
ugh, I know. Literally the moment I got out of bed- late, at the time I'm usually walking into my job- so I was all sweaty and angry and hostile- my wife rolls over with her phone in hand and says "DB died". Stopped me dead in my tracks. Could barely walk to bathroom. Thought to myself, well, this shitty 16 hour day…
absolutely perfect obituary.
You fucked my wife, Daniel Craig? Did you fuck my wife? (said like in Raging Bull).
That's why. He was married to Rachel "Woman I'd leave my own family for" Weisz, and then she hooked up and married Daniel "Dream House" Craig.
Of everything artistically you've ever done, what is your single most favorite piece of work? (It can be something known or unknown, from childhood or recently, etc.)
When the ice cream truck would come as a child, what was your go-to choice?
What is/was the most embarrassing experience of your life?
"Don't you DARE criticize these ALMOST uniformly golden angels" you say. But the message normally given by the Post or any other message leaves out "ALMOST". They are all golden angels, there is no "almost". It's like saying that US troops were committing war crimes- didn't matter what actually happened, you were…
I fucking despise Kyle Smith. He is the absolute shittiest, worst reviewer of movies, everything he reviews is slanted by his hatred towards "Hollywood libtards" and his embracement of conservatisms- he despises anything related to Matt Damon, George Clooney, anti-war, pro-social reform type issues to the point that…
I'm a writer looking to finally make some indie movies, no longer interested in playing the "sell my script to someone in the studio world to make me a writer" game. My first produced screenplay (a horror-comedy I wrote 16 yrs ago) was shot last year and is due for release in Jan 2016 (IMDB: MASSACRE ON AISLE 12). You…
yes, for math and science. We've got an excess of English and history teachers, though, they're a dime a dozen. But the sciences are lagging waaaay behind. Also a lot of students are no longer going into teaching at all as the culture of anti-educations in the US is getting bigger and badder- teachers are hated on for…
1. begin using the term "1/2" instead of "2/4" for now on.
I keep hearing amazing things about Portland. I had a friend who went there to visit- like, a 4 day vacation- and never came back. He literally sent for his stuff and just up and moved there, 4 yrs ago, and is thriving there for the first time in his 40 yr life. Has friends, a retail job that allows him to live very…
1. Finish my tv pilot that I've been working on slowly for the past 18 years, which is based on an old screenplay I wrote, which is based on a real-life experience of super-stoned teenage AJ, driving ice cream trucks for the retired/reformed/washed-up old-school Italian gangsters, and getting into a violent turf war…
my childhood cancer was blamed on my dad's Agent Orange exposure as well. (Hodgkins Disease, lymph node cancer.) Although there was also the minor issue of our town burying radioactive waste in the junkyards surrounding my neighborhood for 50 years, which resulted in several streets being removed from the town water…
I'm not judging anyone- to each his own, my kinks are not yours, etc-, but can someone please tell me what the allure of chastity belts, especially something that can physically hurt your precious member, are to men? I can understand a Dom wanting the control over someone, but the idea of being unable to access my…
I had a friend like this- everyone I knew basically despised him, thought he was a loud-mouthed, obnoxious, arrogant, selfish, drug-abusing, sexually-ambiguous douche-bag. I love the dude (in a platonic way) and had a friendship that went back to age 10 with him. I spent many years arguing the case and defending him,…