
don't apologize for that- he's made it quite clear in the other threads that he does think that, that Tommy enjoyed it and wanted it and clearly wasn't raped, only that he engaged in a fantasy about female dominance over men. He's an unrepentant apologist for female-to-male rape, in that he doesn't think it can really

you, sire (or ma'am, but lets be honest, you're a sire) are a Fuking Moron, and I say that not to insult you but to point out the lack of any intelligence in the statements you're making- I don't mean you're a bad person, just sorely, seriously uneducated and ignorant on this topic. If a woman gets "wet" during a rape

it was a "gas explosion" that caused it, which makes more sense that they could have staged/blown it up themselves and Jarden either didn't catch it, made a mistake, or just went w/ the easier explanation, which played into the whole mystique around the town. But yeah, I assumed they had something to do w/ it too.

yeah, i recall an article about a guy that died on 9/11 in a shooting/random killing thing, and how hard it was for his family knowing that his death was like super-low priority for the NYPD and they'd likely get no closure or clarity on it, and telling people "my dad died on 9/11" became like a sick way to get

oh, man, that cover of the PROMISE, was like, revelation-level. Add that to the cover of THE ONE THAT I WANT a few weeks ago, the theme song, the musical score alone…this show has the best music on tv, both in context of the show and stand-alone. THE LEFTOVERS is my shit, this year. What a show.

its something like 10-15% pf men who've been assaulted or raped ever report, admit, or discuss it. That number is usually applying to male-on-male R, like prison or the military. I can safely guess the Women-on-men incidents are significantly lower, though female-to-male abuse (teens on kids, statutory rape, etc) is

Men can be raped by women- its a biological thing, in that a man can be aroused with physical contact, even against his desire/wishes, by someone stimulating him. I've done counseling on men who were abused (usually/almost always when younger/kids/teens) by women, who basically manipulated their organ to get it hard

I can't believe how beautiful Liv Tyler has gotten. I am about the same age as her and always found her cute and pretty, but man, has she aged like a fine wine. She's gorgeous, and mesmerizing, and that smile…when she smiles, in this, she looks so terrifying and sexy and mysterious and beautiful at the same time. I

could "our baby" be the house that burned down, and therefore the nest egg/money the whole clan is waiting on?

my wife had a good thought- "that was our baby" line by Scotty? He's talking about the house and their nest egg. Not an actual baby. Think about it.

yeah, of course- and then- wake up call!

And Dr. Ullah looking in the room at the kids and saying "I'd rather die" or something to that effect.

does he day drink to "loosen his joints" and bang women off Tinder? Jeez, I hope you got the "good surgeon".

oh my god, it's brilliant- Seth Myers played some on his show. Its exactly what you imagine "Bernie Sanders singing folk songs" would sound like- him just husky-talking folk lyrics over music. Insanely bad/good.

In fairness, he's for campaign reform because he has "billions of dollars" that he can use. 98% of other politicians would be limited/hurt (in their opinions) by campaign finance reform- but Donald and his 1% billionaire pals (including my favorite liberal, Mike Bloomberg) could just sink their own cash into elections

yeah, I grew up a town over, his kids popped up at soccer and stuff. He seemed like any other upper-class Long Island dad, kind of "hey I'm a really cool down-to-earth dude who just happens to drive an 80,000 dollar SUV and wear 400 dollar jeans, but you know, rock n roll!" attitude; but he could talk property tax

PTA: Oh also you will scream about drinking milkshakes and bastard babies in boxes

aw, come on, look at that genuine love and awe. I like when we see people who are more famous and rich than us show genuine human-emotions and gratitude. Dude is clearly a fan just like the rest of you were back then. Celebrities- they're almost kind of sort of like us! (Patton rules.)

Hey, do you get a weekly reminder that you're a dick?
(Just kidding. It just sounded right. FYI, "Is this the start of a backlash?" is actually a question, hence the symbolical question mark at the end of the sentence. I think it's fair to note that in the last public opinion poll informally conducted by my mind, Mr.