
I have a movie coming out in a month or two (on netflix) that I wrote 16 yrs ago, when I worked in Pergament (the long Island version of Home Depot, before Home Depot) and one of the jokes in it is about customers shitting in the display toilet. I really hope this show doesn't steal my movie's thunder. Or other jokes.

whoa, the previously before unseen group hatred for Mr. Murray is exploding, here at AV Club commentary. What's happened? Is this the start of a backlash? Against Bill Fucking Murray? Et tu?

Maybe the gas in there is not sarin- the inside/jihadi buddy DID manage to distort or alter the mix? And Quinn is just doing some Emmy-worthy ACTING? Faking his sarin gassing to pretend he's dying in hideous lung-closing pain, and then he's gonna be all "Fooled ya bruv!" when they open the door?

Was initially upvoting for "Dave Grohl Jr", then downvoting for "fat lesbian", then upvoting for "Deanna should've eaten the baby" (just to make exciting) then downvoted for "mincing little mama's boy", then downvoted again for the unnecessary Tiny Tim insult. That poor man tried his best.
Final tally: -1 downvote.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Netflix has picked up two new indie films from Bob Odenkirk and Chris Sparling (The Sea Of Trees, Buried), both of which will be released in theaters ala. Following the season finale of With Bob And David—which is currently streaming on Netflix—Odenkirk has sold his noir comedy,

Ah, BABY! The first movie I recall seeing in an actual theater- I'd have been about 6. It surprisingly didn't ruin me from my lifelong desire to be involved in actual movies. (In contrast, the first drive-in film I recall seeing was a double-feature, Halloween showing of the original DAWN OF THE DEAD w/ some zombies

THis is the biggest show in the history of cable/basic tv. It makes TONS of money, from advertising to merchandise to dvds to video games. And the convention money is beyond sick. AMC will be putting more and more $$$ into WD for years- maybe decades- to come, including spinoffs, movies, etc. Count on that.

Just read a profile on him in DETAILS and he basically said he is in freaking heaven w/ the show, its a steady payday (and good one), it lets him have the freedom to do his other projects (he does weird art movies and fashion shit and art stuff) and he'd "do the show until I was 90" if they'd let him. So I'm guessing

Recall the 1-2 punch of T/dog and Lori; they died same episode, and so did 1 or 2 of the "sort-of" characters that episode. I know its hard to compare older seasons- they've evolved, definitely- but didn't Dale and Shane die like back-to-back, too? One thing I credit the show with, they don't treat characters dying as

I can see Morgan or Darryl. Morgan would be the "show his power in killing the strongest, most sympathetic character" device for him and Darryl would be the "we are merciless and batshit and don't give a fuck about audience wants and faves if it'll get people talking about WD again and how crazy it is that we killed

I would like to dispute the reviewers snarky "crack doesn't make you do that" comment. As someone who once did insane amounts of crack, I can safely state that early on in my using days- when crack was still new, and "fun"- it made me do all kinds of "funny, wacky" types of things. I specifically recall a young lady

Well, I'm sure proud to say my $8 is contributing to this little flick making some loot. I try to help young, unknown filmmakers break into this tough biz, and I'm glad to say I played a part in this Jay J. Abrahams trying to enter the weird world of Hollywood!
Oh, wait, I'm taking my kid to see it- I added $16.00 to

YIKES! Well, even ugly babies are loved by their mama.

He was even great in 28 WEEKS LATER. Just brings so much to anything he does. A real eccentric, magnetic presence. Love me some Carlyle!

whats your investment in Arthur's critical reception on The AV Club? You own stock or some shit?

In a school meeting today, one of my students told her father he was "retarded". 8 people (adults) in the room looked like they'd just seen a ghost- open mouthed gasps were heard. I just sighed and gave the kid a look like, Shut the fuck up, you little bitch.

This is sad. Just as sad as the fact that he had an opportunity- a big, proud, out gay man in the 80s- to use his diagnosis as a social rallying point of showing the severity of HIV/AIDS and how it had reached the higher levels of society (the celebrities! GASP!) like Rock Hudson could have- and chose to deny deny

well, besides that.

isnt that true? Tell me about it. I wont discuss my most personal shit w/ family or friends but come on here and drop all sorts of intimate details. Interesting…

upvoted for KEVIN ISNT REALLY DEAD. #KevinLives