I believe GO free if you confess means "you'll get your freedom from this prison cell- then we'll execute you and/or have you exiled in ruins for being an incestuous, king-murdering traitor". I don't think it means "Confess and go home."
I believe GO free if you confess means "you'll get your freedom from this prison cell- then we'll execute you and/or have you exiled in ruins for being an incestuous, king-murdering traitor". I don't think it means "Confess and go home."
I felt like Olly was up to something sinister there- he seemed to be giving Sam's food double-takes, like he was doing something shady to him? Poisoning him? Kind of like he wanted to not do it, but Sam didn't give him the answers he wanted to hear, so he did? Did I read into that too far?
I'm not usually a fan of "80's throwbacks/homages" usually can't do more than like, 2 mins of a "joke" movie like this. But this was hilarious thru-and-thru. Well done, very enjoyable, and quite a great way to finish my last 45 mins at work!
Bill Bryson is the Best. A BRIEF HISTORY OF NEARLY EVERYTHING, AT HOME, and 1927 are all stunningly awesome books. The THUNDERBOLT KID is pretty great too. I strongly suggest all go find these. The first three are phenomenal non-fiction, if you're into that sorta thing, and the latter is his autobio of growing up in…
It's sad seeing this as this was supposed to be Paul Newman and Rob Redford's last movie. They always wanted to do this together, supposedly. That's what Redford said.
Holy shit! I saw another post by someone working at home making $9498 in the past 3 or 4 weeks and THEY ALSO BOUGHT AN ALFA ROMEO! Is this like, a guaranteed thing? CAN I ALSO GET AN ALFA ROMEO IF I WORK FOR GOOGLE TASKS??? This sounds like the nicest-work ever!
The AV Club:
OMG this movie is totes adorb + i am lmyfao at this adorbz unicorn. ps guys u do no tht unicorns r totaly real rite? my bff sansa told me she saw 1 up at lake plasid last summer when she went w her dad + stepmom but her iphone camra was like totes broken that wkend pss i cannot WAIT 2 C THIS FLICK IT IS GONNA B…
He did, though- he likely murdered a friend/biker (Gary Hinman?) a year or two before the Tate killings and was actually in the home of Lobianco (the 2nd group murder) giving directions on the murders. He was convicted on conspiracy to commit murder charges, but yeah, technically, didn't kill people himself.
This preview before the MAD MAX Friday night showing: 5 or 6 college-age guys sitting behind me. One says: "Whoa, this is gonna be killer." The next says "Dude, this is gonna be great. The Rock is in it!" The third says, "Bro, we've got to go see that next weekend." Then the preview for J. Gordon-Levitt's THE WALK…
I was going to say "on the other hand they just announced changes to their meat production/purchasing contracts" in which they will only buy pork, chicken and beef from humanely raised, non-antibiotic-filled farm animals, then I read the remaining print: They are not "insisting" on this, they are simply "Requesting"…
apparently you've also begun drinking much more heavily, Mr. 2-twelve-packs-in-each-hand.
While I empathize w/ Mr. Morgan and the families, it's too bad that they had to settle. I get that most of them needed the $$$ for long-term care (even Mr. Morgan- who likely has the most of all of them prior to the incident- may never work again, and is probably going to need lifelong nursing care and future…
you are kind for offering. I live on Long Island. I'm guessing you live in the NYC area? I'm a total dick. I never commit to plans with new people, even when I deeply desire to do them, as I'm pretty introverted when it comes to meeting new people (despite being a snarky, outspoken, witty comedy writer and counselor…
off the ladder. slipped and fell off the ladder and the dick landed in my mouth. Totally an accident.
Idiotking is right, a therapist is the way to go on this. You'll have a hard time living a "normal" life interacting in healthy ways w/ others (especially romantic or sexual interactions) until you clear this all up/deal with the repercussions. FYI, as a public service, I'm going to throw out there: A "Trauma" is not…
I'm in the same boat- I have 2, maybe 3 close/best friends. One lives 2 hrs away, one is halfway across the US from me, and one is in California (I'm in NY). The LA friend- a female pal of 20+ years- basically cussed me out and said some really hurtful things on Facebook because she felt I'd "dismissed" her over (I am…
in fairness, I wouldn't hire someone named "Sokudoningyou McHispanico" at my library, either. Harumph! (tosses scarf over shoulder, hurries out door.)
i'm th only comment-er on this thread? Did NO ONE read this article? I can say anything I want? I'm putting a dead insect in my armpit! I'm licking the floor! I just sharted! HAHAHAHAHA is anyone there? Anyone? God, it's so lonely over here at the YOU ME AND DUPREE page. Sometimes I think about how much nicer my life…
This is a true story, quoted almost verbatim as I write and try to recall exact wording:
I work in a school and I just got to overhear the janitor telling the elderly secretary all about AMERICAN SNIPER (for the 3rd time in less than a week, he's asked her if she's seen this movie yet.) "It's amazing", he said, "What…