
wow. If I could see only one movie, every day, for the rest of my life, it would likely be MAD MAX: FURY ROAD. I don't think I exhaled from the opening scene for about 20 minutes. At the end I felt like I'd been simultaneously f*cked and beaten up for 2 hours. Unbelievable film.

Ahh, I can't wait to name my next lil ones "Van Buran", "Coolidge", "Hoover" and "Nixon". They'll be the most popular kiddies on the block! (Until those bastards from down the street- Kissinger, Gore, and Cheney- show up.)

this is actually one of- if not the- best books King has written. I'm a King abandoner (I really loved him in middle school) but this one gets a pass. Worth a shot.

ouch! Zing! Throwing burns at Jackie O- you so crazy! In fairness, she kind of looks like she has it coming, w/ that uppity pillbox hat and all.

I'm thinking Peggy gets Coke- does the "Teach the World to Sing" ad. (She gets her ad.) Pete dies in a plane crash after achieving his ascendancy, finally. Betty is gone and Don comes home to be Mr. Mom (Mr. Don?) to the kids, and settles in for a quiet Part 3 of his life. We may not see where some of the minor

i feel very stupid, stupider than usual. What is this? I don't…understand. Is it real? Is it a joke? Did someone make this themselves or is joke that its actually CALVIN and HOBBES?

is it me, or has Courtney had an awful lot of facial work/plastic surgery done in the past 2-4 years? I am not a "plastic surgery shamer" I could care less- its just, when I saw her in HECK the other night I was really confused. I almost didn't recognize her. Is there any explanation beyond "wanted to look younger",

I always remember the record company exec who, when the radio announced "a blond male, age 25-35, dressed in grungy clothes" was found dead of suicide in Seattle, who was quoted as saying, "Please let it be Beck."
FYI, I love Beck, and am happy we didn't lose him, in fairness.

I have the same issue. In my professional life, I'm a writer (first movie sold last year, in post, on-demand/dvd release later this year-MASSACRE ON AISLE 12) and a substance abuse counselor for my day-to-day work. I find it very hard to take positive praise, usually brushing it off or rebutting it with sarcasm and

i couldn't put my finger on it- "Who the F is that"- and that's what I came up with too. It's Clark Gregg's little brother! I shouted to my wife. "Shut up, you'll wake the baby, you idiot." She replied.

Hey, guys, cut it out. The kingdom of God is at hand.

Yes, the NY POST found this so "offensive" they led on their front page with it. Is this you trying to make this into a "thing", like they did? I'm not sure how it is relevant to the story, or comments, except as like a "whoa, oh my god, Dave Letterman REALLY said that?!?" inclusion. The dude is like 90 yrs old. He's

my pal lives down in North or South Carolina nearby Paxton. He says he comes into stores and stuff all the time, in his full-on southern camo/farmer/hunting type gear, and is totally low-key and humble and like a regular dude. All "hey y'all" and "yeah, I'm Bill Paxton, the guy from that thing" and he is constantly

Was anyone else terrified that when Clark saw Hans he gave him the "all clear" sign and Clark was about to walk into the apartment where Stan was sitting, or run into him as Martha walked him out the door? I was literally holding my breath that whole scene- and Jesus, it was a long one- before the reveal that he'd

ok, so I retract all my questions below. You make a lot of sense, norse-man.

Is Ragnar going to die? Like, really? Really really? It seems like they might just do it. I'll miss him immensely, jeebus cripes, but I'd be very impressed if they pull that trigger. What a way to end the season, if they do- and what a shift in the tone this show will have to struggle with, to lose that amazing

Carol why in gods name would you upvote this spambot? Did you find something genuinely interesting in this post, or are you friends with the machine? WTF is that about?

i mean, in all seriousness, if FX did a Wynn Duffy spinoff show- the further adventures of Wynn, or a prequel to his life before Justified- it would likely draw the exact same amount of viewers as the 6 seasons of Justified. Can they now understand if they'd like a show that pulls in decent ratings- and gets critical

wait, ROME is on that list? How'd that happen? Is it that good? I've never made it past the 3rd or 4th episode- and I've tried, seriously, like 4 times. Is it worth it?

i would have liked if he'd kept wearing the original hat, with the bullet in it, kind of a "look at how close I come to getting killed" reminder for him forever.