
I can definitely understand the IPA hatred, especially as someone who often gets burned by the marketing of every new IPA trying to find a niche (and there are a lot) and then just tasting pretty shitty.

Nice to see The Path get a mention in the subheadline. Not so nice to then see it not mentioned at all in the article. Either way, I'm excited for the second season. Less excited than I would be for Hannibal still being on the air, but excited nonetheless.

I think the music cred was killed when they decided to review Endless and Blonde together and list it as a review of Endless (even still), giving the appearance on the front page that they reviewed only the visual album and gave it a C+.

I had the opportunity to read The 42nd Parallel in a graduate course a few years back and had never heard of it, Dos Passos or the trilogy before that. I felt like some of the stylistic choices made it a bit too topical to be fully digested now but nonetheless enjoyed the hell out of it. I'd always intended to read

I was looking forward to seeing Hateful Eight this weekend but here in Eau Claire there was only three showings each day which seems absolutely absurd for opening weekend of a Tarantino movie (you should see the number of screenings for Star Wars or even Point Break), so I decided to hold off and consume media in the

I've seen none of these. That said, Jurassic World is the worst thing I saw this year.

I got an email from Netflix telling me about how it is a show they think I might enjoy… after I had already watched the first five episodes.

I try to always read fiction and nonfiction concurrently because there is so much I'd like to read. At the moment I'm reading Middlemarch for the first time and absolutely loving it. Earlier in the month I read Sense of Style by Steven Pinker which is an enjoyable, pragmatic writing guide. Over the weekend, I started

Before the movie came out, my friend and I would constantly watch and quote the trailer. Ultimately, the movie was a bit of a letdown from that.

Made one attempt at going to see The Lego Movie but it was sold out. Theater management suggested we see The Nut Job instead so we promptly turned and left.

I'm currently about to finish the 1st movement of A Dance to the Music of Time by Anthony Powell which is totally my kind of literature through and through.  I always find it interesting how obscure it seems (or it was extremely unknown to me until I was reading a book about the Bright Young People) despite being this

My post-rock favorite has always been This Will Destroy You.  Their first ep and subsequent album are just about perfect in my mind.


I understood that it wasn't exactly syndication but was more wondering if there have been many other shows that have seen such deals without being near a desired number of episodes for syndication?

I'm just curious, is there much of a history of such deals happening with a show that hasn't been through that many seasons?  Maybe it is more common than I realize but can't really think of much that I've watched being shown on another channel before the whole 100 episode syndication that is generally the pattern.

Yeah the R-rating sort of hinted to me it wouldn't necessarily be a paint-by-numbers remake hoping to cash in on the original (though that idea seems a bit outlandish to begin with now that I think about it).  Seems more "Let Me In" than "Cheaper by the Dozen".