
they found $30,000 in cash and steroids”

That made-up story with zero evidence about a woman Chappelle barely bothered to know? The bs story that blames the trans community for pushing a woman into suicide, when that did not happen per everyone that actually knew her?

You do know that Black LGBT+ folks critique Chappelle's transphobic garbage and are the folks harmed the most by it?

I was on a family vacation with my sister and her kids recently. My 3 1/2 year old nephew kept walking up to my 7 year old niece and calling her gibberish names. He kept doing it solely because it upset the 7 year old and got a reaction out of her.

The missing thread here though is that those movements and laws stem from cultural attitudes which often stem from consumed media.

No no, like most bad-faith arguments, in only applies in the very limited context in which was off-handedly spoken and is not based on any actual moral principle, observable reality, etc

You made a brand new account just to say that? What else should I do after I get off my phone, grandpa? Pull up my pants?

You made a brand new account to post that?

Claiming the Closer is a masterpiece is sign enough he’s immature as fuck. People got mad because they don’t appreciate my genius is basically a Trump take.

The right to free speech is not the right to a Netflix special. Netflix can, and does, refuse to produce or air material every single day.

Criticizing someone for using their speech in a way that promotes hatred for a marginalized group /= revoking their free speech. Chapelle can say whatever dogshit he wants to say, and everyone else is allowed to criticize him for it. Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequence.

“The more you say I can’t say something, the more urgent it is for me to say it. It has nothing to do with what you’re saying I can’t say.”

Now Dave Chappelle’s saying we can’t say that he can’t say something, which makes it all the more urgent for us to say he can’t say it, which makes it urgent for him to say it and for us to say he can’t say it and him to say we can;t say he can’t say it.

Oh christ, not this bullshit again. You don’t have to be a civil rights lawyer with a background in constitutional interpretation to know that that’s not what the right to free speech is, but as a civil rights lawyer with a background in constitutional interpretation, I can tell you that’s not what the right to free

Yeah, when you find someone that wants it to be federally illegal for Chappelle to do whatever horseshit he’s doing, you go ahead and dig this speech back up out of the trash. As it stands you know full well everyone just wants him to know he’s doing horseshit and wish he’d stop.

They’re not slurs, they’re artistic freedom and expression.

He’s really just doing this now

“The more you say I can’t say something, the more urgent it is for me to say it. It has nothing to do with what you’re saying I can’t say.”

I sure hope this multi-millionaire can recover from the oppression of having young people saying his dated opinions and beliefs are bullshit.

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