Well fuck, wrap it up devs....this guy didn’t like something in the 90s.
Well fuck, wrap it up devs....this guy didn’t like something in the 90s.
That’s actually a marshmallow.
Right and when it’s in motion and you are flying around the track trying to avoid shells etc. the odds that you are gonna be like “damn, the texture on this mountain really kills the fun I’m having” is probably what? 1%?
I understand your points. Sometimes trailers don’t work out for everyone. Enjoy man, whatever you decide! :)
Right but saying Overwatch “looks just like” COD would be dumb right? Because you’d just be boiling it down to the exact top layer “I see a gun on a screen”. If you base your choices around the top 1mm surface level of stuff in an age where youtube always has tons of actual gameplay videos, you’d be cutting yourself…
That’s a shame. Other than being a game that moves horizontally quickly, the similarities between any OlliOlli game and an endless runner are pretty nonexistent. There’s no survival factor, there are specific trick combos and chains you are tasked with achieving, there’s a whole set of controls to master that allow…
Said literally nobody.
So come fight me lol.
Nobody is ever happy with anything.
Let’s mock them! That helps!
Blogs scroll vertically, there is no space “used to be filled with better shit....” Being upset that a game blog takes a few days to write about a popular “game” during the slowest season of the cycle is comedy.
When you walk down the street, do you poke your head in to each store/restaurant and let them know you don’t plan to shop in them? No, that would be silly because you could just....walk on by.
It starts off slow and progress is (at first) a very uphill climb but if you can hang with it for a few hours, it opens up to become one of the best action/platforming roguelites I think I’ve ever played (and I’m a big fan of the genre). The mix/match of different abilities and the bite size levels (that don’t…
“Yes, Skul: the Hero Slayer is a delightful roguelike with neat shape-shifting elements, but it’s not exactly the sort of game you lose an entire weekend to.”
Good shit.
I just booted it up, 465GB update. THANKS DEVS.
Pro tip: When it snows hard enough, you might not see footprints or fresh shoveling even 10 minutes after they happen. Source: Living in Maine.
Played a handful of matches last night. Definitely feels good. My only noticeable gripe was the actual connection with other players would drop randomly but (and this was refreshing), it never caused the matches to cease. It just sorta hung for a bit until the connection was reestablished. That said, I had a lot of…
Don’t order it because they found an exploit and are attempting to fix it?