They usually get the keys from regions where they can take advantage of currency differences that lean in their favor.
They usually get the keys from regions where they can take advantage of currency differences that lean in their favor.
20xx was never on the PSP
I’m 2 hours into Axiom Verge 2 and I love it. When I was young and a sequel would come out (on the NES for example), it was always a treat when the world/color palettes were completely different than its predecessor. This has that same appeal. Instead of the mostly dark/black/void theme of 1, we’re walking around on…
Lol, zero insecurity here but it was worth a stretch to attempt to demean someone for also having an opposite opinion of your own. I choose to let fantasy/fiction be just that without getting overly concerned with text when used as imagery to create a mood. Enjoy.
So my one comment is “all”? Lol.
Again, futuristic, FICTIONAL work that takes place in a different universe. It doesn’t have to make sense.
Fahey didn’t write this piece.
Because it’s not an issue.
They don’t have to paint it (although the headline is just baity enough), the immediate kneejerk reaction of the easily offended crowd here will take over.
“It’s hard to paint The Ascent as malicious in its misuse of Korean”
Imagine not understanding blatant sarcasm.
Did you think they shot a baby too? You’ll be ok.
“And I freaked the hell out.”
I’m a big fan of roguelites, in fact it’s probably my favorite genre/most played type of games of the last 4-5 years. While this isn’t a straight up roguelite, it has some of those familiar mechanics so I was looking forward to giving this a spin. I bought it last night and after 4 hours of trying to like it, I…
It’s almost like people have opinions based on their time spent with it.....CRAZY.
Project Wingman is solid as hell if you enjoy Ace Combat.
It’s not really any different than getting used to playing with directionals on a keyboard. I use one (and have for the last 9 years)....takes a few weeks for your brain to get used to the change from a stick but inputs are generally easier and you have less directional error once you become proficient. That said,…
Get the fuck outta here you clown.