
I will give you this Sandwich if you stop reading about the new Bronco.

Ignore the critics; carbs are back, baby!

First the Boeing 747. Now this.

When people with normal jobs don’t like their boss they complain about it to their co-workers over beers after they punch out and then go on with their lives, but when media people don’t like their boss they go on social media and do “exposes” about things that aren’t illegal and expect the whole world to treat them

Kevin Ward wasn’t walking toward those four cars in an asinine attempt to confront their drivers. Kevin Ward killed himself by walking on a hot racetrack. 

Kevin Ward killed Kevin Ward.


Kevin Ward killed Kevin Ward.  If you get high and walk out onto a hot track, that’s about what you get.  Stewart didn’t kill anyone.  He was driving his car on a track when a hot head charged him on foot.  

I’ve heard of active aero but this is ridiculous.

When I was stationed in Germany they didn’t require seat belts but if you weren’t wearing one in an accident, your insurance didn’t have to cover you. We need laws like that. Not laws that force people to do things, like wear masks, buy laws that punish them for being stupid. You don’t HAVE to wear a mask but there

The anxiety this sort of shit causes me is something I’ve never experienced before. I mean, I’ve dealt with anxiety my entire life, but this absolute confirmation that I’m surrounded by fucking idiots and led by someone who would gladly kill literally everyone in the country if he thought it made him look good... it’s

I think it would be nice if we could get a list of everybody involved, and when they show up at the hospital with symptoms, tell them, “sorry, you’re responsible for your own medical decisions. Nobody would have even known you were sick if you hadn’t told us. Besides, more than 99% recover. Stay in your house.” Then

The important part of the video is at 1:25, not 3:33.

I support BLM. Stay out of the fucking street. Please.

Just twenty more ads and videos and I can read the next sentence in the story...

a number of Black Ford employees

If you mean people who support BLM and equality, and think that abusive and murderous (read criminal) cops should be prosecuted and jailed appropriately... we’re not necessarily on the left.

How do you put out a postal truck fire?

I saw three of these at my local starbucks this morning.