
Only dos terminals? The last time I rented there, I counted at least quatro, maybe cinco terminals behind the counter.

Perfect time of the year and the perfect circumstance to get the road repairs done. Fill the potholes. Replace broken lanes. Put up new bridges. All those things that take months to work around commuters.

I’m Jewish.  Having to use an ID with a gold star on it (in PA) was not thrilling me.

The paperwork takes 15 minutes; going to the DMV and waiting for everything can take 2 hours, and they are only open during business hours. So you have to take sick/vacation time to go do an annoying chore; I get it. I’ve bought new underwear instead of doing laundry before; people are lazy!

“It was a RHD-market only version of the third generation Accord... 

Bingo! This is what I’ve been saying. The computers are good enough to keep the truck on the road, to follow directions, to miss most of the obvious obstacles.

Ah, yes. The modern version of robin hood — steal from the poor, give to the rich.

This is what I’ve been trying to tell people, you can be contagious and feel fine. Since tests aren’t available in the US, no one can be certain whether or not they are carrying the virus (especially since it has been circulating in communities for weeks). It’s scary but it’s happening.

Ironic .. One of them is named Sparks!

You and me both. I have a brand new Corolla hatch manual right now and I’ve only used the back seats three times in 5 months. I’d go smaller for this in a heartbeat. This is what I wish my Corolla was.

I have never done this ever, but if Toyota announces that they will bring this exact car (not a Corolla with a fake carbon fiber wing) to the US, I will drive to my local dealer and put an order/deposit down for one. I know they would probably only sell dozens of these nationwide, but all I really want is a street

I’m no fan of NASCAR, but I don’t get the hate for the tech, or lack there of.

Boooooo!  There is certain skill set/athleticism that is required to hit all five bolts twice per wheel.  It was part of the drama.  

I kinda like the fact the multi-lug nut design is harder and takes more skill for the pit stops.  

If a manufacturer puts them on a car, they’ve passed federal standards and have been judged by the legal arbiter of these things as “not unsafe.”

You say it’s due to distraction... I say it’s mostly due to incompetence as well as inadequate driver training and the absence of driver retraining 

When was the last ‘mystery debris’ caution you’ve seen?  I haven’t seen one in a few years.  I don’t watch all of the races, but I do watch a good number of them.  This just isn’t the case any more.

A point of clarification - Nascar will end a race under caution. Nascar overtime is two laps. The first lap, if there is a caution before the leader gets the white flag, then the two lap overtime starts again (once the caution is cleaned up). If the leader gets to the white flag (one lap left), the next flag finishes

Ryan Newman probably wouldn’t be alive if they did it “just like old times”. Being a purpose built race car has more benefits then just speed. Also, everybody says this, but doesn’t realize how boring it would be watching the same car win by 3 laps every weekend. Spec cars make it competitive, something that is far

I’m no fan of the president, but this situation generates zero outrage from me. Or even concern.