
More like blissfully thinking “whatever that noise is, I’m just glad it’s behind me”

At this interchange left turns are banned. At Jalopnik, proofreading is banned.

There’s a bug on the site. I can’t configure a diesel version.

Is visibility considered a feature? I can’t see shit out of most new cars.

You could try putting a higher rated fuse in there. Not recommended, but slightly less batshit suicidal than the coin. 

I don’t like driving in something that feels like a coffin. I like having the open air. And I don’t see why its not possible when I can get a civic, golf, wrx, focus and impreza all with sticks and sunroofs.

Isn’t a 4-cyl Supra a Celica?

MF please...

They keep using this word “coupe” and I am not entirely sure that they know what it means.

So do they still light up when the trunk/hatch is fully closed? Or are they turned off by a door jamb switch or something?

The batteries supposedly were not punctured. The plastic “clamshell" surrounding the pack of batteries was supposedly damaged.

Why did Tripp not send this data to the NHTSA or the SEC?  That would guarantee the documentation that he is a whistleblower.  Otherwise, this is just a case of he said / he said.

The sun?

“The people who were in the van actually belong to the cat.” 

This is where human judgment is most important. A hard brake may or may not useful in scenarios involving sudden lane change of the car in front of you:

That might become my new bio: The Pseudonym Jalopnik writers use for their worst takes.

It’s easy to give a car enough power to hit 60 in 2 seconds. It’s tough to get enough of it to the ground. If they make a car that hits 60 in under 2 seconds, they will get all of the acclaim, when it is the tire manufacturer who would deserve the praise.

The best looking heckblende is sad it wasn’t featured. (Is it still a heckblende if it doesn’t light up but DOES house the reverse lights?)

Insurance rates are determined solely on the basis of who crashes more, not hurr-durr ideas about competence behind the wheel.


Well what about the other cars that advertise their cars as having “autopilot” OH WAIT NO ONE ELSE DOES THAT.