
“There’s good news and bad news, kid. The good news is you’re getting a company car! The bad news...”

Best Geocache Ever.

Most phones are tracking location, I can probably just get his phone and re-trace his steps that night, pointing to sweet location of forgotten 911

What happened to No. 11?

I kind of like this. The lines are so simple.

I miss knobs. I mean, really. I can turn a knob without taking my eyes off the road. I shouldn’t have to pull over to change the temperature of the car or adjust the volume.

Really? You’ve done the analysis? You’ve run the numbers? You’ve determined that the proposed tax increase plus the cost of legal fees is now greater than registering the vehicle in one’s home state for every single one of these hundreds of cars?

I see Toyota took the FJ’s blind spot complaints into consideration with this new model.

I have a feeling most libertarians wouldn’t approve of excessive force by police.

Getting in an Uber breaks one of the first lessons we learned in life.

This is our original video! Tag us if you repost! Spread the word and prayers to the owner. Tag A friend!

It’s only still there because of its near polar orbit around the Moon. Had Chandrayaan been in a lower inclination orbit, the Moon would have killed it by now.

Why would I want actual information about an upcoming vehicle I might be interested in when I can have all of this snark!

Love people who claim “so and so” copied “so and so”...all you gotta do is look at the damn upload date.

a battery powered hyper-sedan with electric hubs at all four wheels

Still waiting on tech that would disable the high-beams of all these morons with a low beam burned out who think turning on their high beams fixes the problem.
Or how about disabling the high beams of every Honda Civic/Accord/Toyota Camry driver within a 60 mile radius of wherever I currently live, because these people

That makes sense... Since your answers indicate a familiarity with the project, what about white topped, black bottomed (with a weight bias on the black part so it naturally stays on the bottom).

That guy in the gray T-Shirt at 0:15 holding his phone in landscape when recording video. That man is my new hero.

That’s not how business works because this isn’t the 1800s. You don’t get to start any business you want no questions asked anymore. You need to pay income taxes, social security taxes and need liability and property damage insurance. Hotels must pay transient occupancy taxes, licensed contractors have to pay state