
Don’t even joke.

Yeah, he would have seen the bulk of the movie that way. All the key scenes would have needed scored.

All right, 2016, you virulent sack of suck: you’re threatening to take away Carrie Fisher, please back the fuck off of John Williams. I see big names in headlines and I’ve come to expect the worst.

That’s not Imperial March. And quite honestly, while they sound very similar, I would hardly think it’s blatant copying.

He may not of sat down and watched the finished movie(s), but in most cases when composing they see the scenes they’re composing for. Not the same of course, but still, sort of, kind of? I’m just saying in a roundabout way he’s sort of seen most of it.

Don’t rule out the “Feel the Johnson” straglers. I had some Gary Johnson voters/in-laws who caught hell from me on Thanksgiving this year.

We should probably blame white women. Not even being sarcastic.

Yes it is Jill Stein and her voters’ fault and not ALL YOUR RACIST, SCARED NEIGHBORS VOTING FOR DONALD

I generally agree, but considering the way his poll numbers did tank after the pussy grabbing tape came out, it doesn’t seem impossible that this being released just a couple of days before the election might have swung the election given it was so close in those states. White Republican women may have stayed away

I’ve heard of people being so wrapped into right-wing propaganda mechanisms that they never were informed of his bigotry by their local news crew in Bumblefuck Kansas. So I suppose with enough volume a few could’ve squeaked by and changed some votes. He only won the college by 85k.

I doubt they exist at all. It’s not hard to leak things anonymously. Look at how his tax returns mysteriously showed up in the mailbox of a reporter.

Yeah, I’m gonna call shenanigans. Hundreds of people have tapes of a presidential candidate “saying the N-word, saying the C-word, calling his son a retard,” and it never leaks before the election? In liberal Hollywood?

Fuck him. Fuck Trump. Fuck the electors. Fuck the Berniebros who protest voted. Fuck anyone who could have easily voted but actively chose not to.

He’s not wrong. The people who are willing to look past Trump bragging about committing sexual assault because he promised them that The Steel Mill Will Reopen! weren’t going to be dissuaded by him saying “n****r”—in part because so many of them use the word themselves.

The way I see it, there are a lot of parallels between this situation and the situation of a guy pulling aside a woman at work and asking her “could you explain this ‘feminism’ thing to me? I want to do the right thing but I haven’t heard much about these ‘microaggressions’ and ‘intersectionality’ among my white male

I am also white. It seems like maybe Cho was being nice and diplomatic instead of saying what she really thought. It seems like Tilda was honestly trying but also trying to promote the movie and say how it is actually okay. Maybe Cho viewed in negativity in hindsight because she felt like she couldn’t say her real