The lake really is very salty, I don’t understand the confusion here.
The lake really is very salty, I don’t understand the confusion here.
Well, that was certainly incoherent.
Chris Reeve was an asshole?
Pilsnerous Spillsnerous
Obvious explanation is that with the exchange rate, Toronto only receives 75% of the calls.
Stella Fartois
I don’t think you know what a beer belly is.
Played the video 12 times... wasn’t able see anything wrong with it. In about 15-20 minutes, I should be able to start playing it again, but I’m sure I still won’t see a problem.
Sure Law crucifies Tebow, yet doesn’t mention the Mets giving Barabbas his outright release.
I won’t believe it until he denies him twice more before the cock crows.
I think we can rule out Derrick as a suspect if you just review his shooting percentage
So throwing away long-respected journalistic principles, whereby people may tell you things they otherwise wouldn’t/couldn’t in exchange for confidentiality, is OK as long as you don’t like the guy? We’ve become a nation entirely overtaken by feelings.
Negative interest? What does he look like, a Japanese bank?
You’re assuming he hasn’t already been doing that.
That, or some people can put aside political beliefs when establishing friendships, either staying away from that boundary or knowing what buttons not to push. Obama and Tom Coburn, for example.
Lol why did I not think to pursue this angle. “Even Korean Pro Gamer Can’t Escape Vortex of Trump”
Online multiplayer. Very few of my friends play games these days, and I have no interest in playing with strangers.
I absolutely love when people don’t read the article, and the comment they make is literally mentioned in the first sentence. Well done. +1
“Inadvertently ingest cocaine while kissing a woman solicited for sex on Craigslist the night before the olympic trials..” - also Rob Ford’s Make-a-Wish request.
“Time to sell some pro-PAIN.”