
Yes, I just finished reading The Honourable Schoolboy, so I had that word on the mind, I'm a huge Le Carre fan. And yes, that's why I brought it up, such a good espionage drama without very much distracting the narrative. That's what I like about Homeland now, its really found its way back to its roots, which has

I don't know why, I think it's my love for unadulterated espionage drama, free of familial nonsense and interpersonal bullshit, but seasons 3-5 for me have been exactly what I want to see from this show. It's obviously two different shows, the first being a lot of fun and very well executed, but ultimately the writers

I would include The Affair on any real list as well, it's been blowing my mind every week and is operating a level of sophistication that I have not often seen before on TV

That was really the only example I could pull out at the moment, and certainly not the best one, I think you know what I'm referring to though right? A bunch of shows did that, I think our reviewer called a few to mind in one of the reviews when he was complaining about it. I was mostly trying to draw a distinction

Oh I agree, and trust me I'm a huge TD s2 apologist, but the specifics of Vince Vaughn's imaginary last moments were just a bit much, or at least a cliche. That said, I think TD's strength lies largely in its ability to deploy and negotiate cliches with adeptness. People who called that show pretentious or overwrought

Yeah, I know, but there is going to be some more development of the mystery and hints at an explanation. It would be terribly uninteresting and a disservice to the complexity of the show to provide a tidy ending with explanations. All I meant was that what we don't know we don't know is going to become what we know we

I've been convinced from the beginning of this show that there is a throughline tying together all of the other-worldly or supernatural implications of this show and I think they're finally getting to it. People have been complaining about "Ghost Patty" like Perotta and Lindelof are stupid enough to have some hokey

Every time this reviewer points to something she thinks is a defect or problem with the show, I pretty much always think that it is actually an example of how this show is miles ahead of almost anything on TV in terms of every criteria one can judge a show on. It has consistently dared to do everything it can to make