With he Holidays and everything, I totally forgot about SII. Thanks for reminding me <PURCHASED for my Vita>
With he Holidays and everything, I totally forgot about SII. Thanks for reminding me <PURCHASED for my Vita>
I think that this is incredibly well written and I completely understand where you are coming from. I shared this on FB as well...
I was an enormous Benoit fan. He was exactly the type of performer that I had always loved as a fan of Pro Wrestling. His matches with Jericho, Hart, RVD & even Booker T are legendary.…
Is it OK that I really want to play this game, but I don't want to play this game? I'm legitimately intimidated by this concept. Truly cool idea.
That's a really cool idea. I am a big fan of the DS4 after about 24 hours of Destiny. I've always loved the Sony controllers, though. I did buy a "360" style pad for my PS3 (used it for Bioshock and Resistance) The layout feels to be a little more "Shooter Friendly" IMHO. Not being very good at FPS anyway, it's all…
These visuals reminds me of the completely bad-ass looking Firepro Wrasslin' series.
Diablo Side?
Devil Sauce?
Don't Stare?
Dive Staple?
Ah, but what a .091 it was!
Ortiz had a post season for the ages, Great Bullpen (and Detroit's poor bullpen), a suprising rookie performance from Xander Boegarts in the post season, and really great years from Victorino, Gomes, Nava (who?). That along with some great luck.
THIS! It's my favorite action film of all time. It's also the best "Dungeons & Dragons-esque" movie of all time.
I used to read more of Kotaku, until I took an arrow to the knee...
Woohoo! When I was a kid, I thought everyone had "two." I asked my dad (an MD) why Tom from Tom and Jerry only had one (Ya know, when they zoomed down his throat when he was screaming) Dad looked at me like I was crazy...then figured out what I was talking about...
This guy has proven he has no brain on multiple occasions. His "co-hosts" are notorious bigots as well. The network that they are on have been routinely killed in the ratings by the "new" sports-talk station in Boston for years now. Terrible, terrible, terrible.
A character gave "birth" to a shadow demon. At least two characters have LITERALLY come back from the dead. SCIENCE!
thanks for that.
Insane deal on three great action games.
Assassin's Creed - Ezio Trilogy
$16.99 for three Xbox 360 games is nuts anyway, but these games are good!
BTW, $19.19 for the ps3 version
Oh, i'm not saying that you are incorrect :)
not what I had in mind...