isn't that Jennifer Lawrence in the Lead Photo?
isn't that Jennifer Lawrence in the Lead Photo?
I loved this...They (all three) are blowhards.
yes indeed...suckers...lots of 'em
+1 A masterpiece...
I am a Mac and iphone user (converted from PC three years ago) and this is the worst kind of Fanboi-ism. The whining is pathetic, really.
Blake's 7 finale
OMG - +1
Touche... I'm just sayin that it's not out of the realm of possibility. It's more feasible than the Extremis suit IMHO.
Ah yes, but wouldn't Tony want a contingency plan? That Hulk fella can be pretty unstable...
Cool site has a ton of pics of most of the armors. ENJOY!
Nothing...hence the "?"
Geddy Brushi, Rad Marchand, and 50 Shades of Guay also make me fall down laughing.
I was a diehard WEEI (850 AM) listener and thought that this move was just plain dumb. Then I started listening. These two are funny and intelligent w/o sounding like the blowhards from WEEI. What makes it interesting is that these guys are not from Boston and they are not scared of sharing that with the audience. It…
I'm actually quite excited by this. I hope that talks of colonization and deep space travel can become more of a reality as opposed to a sci-fi dream.
"Temple Grandin gets Doctor Spock"