Alan Carter

What I can say is this: (nearly) ALL those reps in DC are on the take some how. You know that?
Life experience has it's own way of developing intuition, which informs the mind in a way like nothing else. You must rely on it. There is two sides of every story, for sure. But we all can strive for virtue, but many have

Recommend you youtube Judge Jeanine Pirro on Romney asap. See it and share it. That's it for me tonight. EVERYONE. THANKYOU AND GOODNIGHT.

Sure. This might be all for me for tonight it's late.
Culture in the sense of 20th century North America, as arbitrary as it appears. But for a rough starting point, it might do. Very light on the Islam/Christian friction;
Lighter on the Foreign National
Pride stuff, you probably have somewhat similar points of view.

It is very late in the game and Trump saw it 4 yrs ago when OMIT Romney folded up under some unknown pressure. This was a very puzzling collapse by Romulan. Trump smelled stench all over it. What was the pay-off?
Other Aspects:
Defineable Border, Language, Cultural considerations. By far not trivial.
Solutions re:

With great reward comes risk. War is hell, but that is where it might lead. There is truth in "give me liberty…or death."

White Europeans fled Britain and elsewhere for "Religious/Political" freedom (terms mine).
By the 1700's Rome's/Britain's abuses are why we are now here.
I have listened to Trump extensively. His "reaction" is at the level necessary to reverse the level of corruption we all know is there, but he knows

It sounds to me like you have a crystal ball and know EXACTLY how Trump will act. Calm down. I am a trained paralegal, which entails many years of listening development.
The way we are going now we are definitely on a collision course with massive devastating consequences. It must change dramatically, sorry that seems

Trump is brilliant. Make no mistake. His shock and awe strategy is winning. But unlike the "W's" version, Trumpster intends to ride with Monroe Doctrine. Can I ride along?

I'm reminded of one Ed Wuncler as l'il Riley blasted'm out the 2nd story.

Man, it must be rough having to talk tough from a hiding place.

Oversaturation via hyperbole is how best to explain the verbal unintelligible drenching your spewing. Wait…am I becoming like you?

You all are worth your weight in gold multiplied by a magnitude unheard of, so bear with ol' Al and get out the popcorn, it's gonna be alright.

Keep it in the box now.